Germinating Cannabis Seeds Part Two

in Canna-Curate2 months ago

Hello Everyone,

It's been almost a week since I put these seeds in the paper towels. Although they haven't popped as much as I would like, the shells are cracked and I feel like I should put them in the pots now.

Let's take a look.


First is the Ak-47. I think this is the tap root sticking out, and it looks rather green. I'm hoping everything is ok with this seed. Time will tell.


Next up is the Blueberry feminized, which has a rather transparent looking tap root starting to emerge.

I'm hopeful that both of these seeds will take to the soil and that we'll be seeing some green within the next few days.


I placed them centered, about an inch into the top of the grow medium and ensured the soil is evenly moist throughout the pots.

In Other News...


The aloes are rapidly growing right now and producing pups. I love that I'm able to multiply these plants in vegetative growth cycles. I don't even have to do anything other than just ensure they are happy, and they will give me new pups during rapid stage development every time teenage plants are growing in proper pots.


The rest of the plants are recovering from the recent move right now, and a good recovery they are making. The lemon tree was super sick for a while, but now that I have it on a solid light schedule it's doing really good.

We can see a whole lot more going on in there as well.


Here we have a bamboo, pothos vine, and green onions. The pothos needs some extra light for a while to help stimulate some new growth on that super long vine.


The cayenne pepper plant is producing a nice round of peppers currently :)


What do you all think of the germinations and plants?

I'd love to read your thoughts in the comment section!

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a great day! -@futuremind


That lemon tree is doing great.

Thanks man.
The lemon tree was so sick I almost ended its life a couple of weeks ago, but it quickly started doing better once I put it on a solid light schedule.

You almost killed a tree? On purpose? Murderer. Such anger.




Últimamente me he estado informando sobre como germinar diferentes semillas de arboles y me sorprende la cantidad de trucos y tips que existen para lograr aumentar las posibilidades de germinación y tambien de que esto sea más rápido, hemos hackeado la naturaleza jajaja me alegra verte por aquí y contento muchos éxitos con estas semillas

Hahaha so true. I prefer the old fashion ways, but I cannot deny that new tricks help with better germination rate. Thank you my friend.

Awesome.. looking forward to seeing how your plants do on the grow. 😃

Thank you brother! I predict it will be epic :D

Seeing your post after a long time, you work so hard on all plants like this.

Thank you friend. I was in the process of moving but I'm finished with that now.

Most welcome dear.

I hope those seeds sprout up for you soon. Can’t wait to see how your grow does. Your pepper plant is so cool

Thanks man,

Really hoping these pop up with no issues.

It's a pretty epic pepper plant, I bet I could clone it too if I wanted. I'll probably start some new pepper plants this summer, I have some rare pepper plant seeds.

Look at all those peppers! Nice!

I'm so happy you're back underway with your tents. I know there are very important for your well being.

Thank you!

The tents indoors are nice, it's a very therapeutic environment. I think everyone should have a little indoor grow tent.

I saw you're dressing the home up with some indoor grow lights as well, pretty fun right? :)

I love my seedlings. There's something so eternal and infinite about plants. My heart! Then I have to clip one of them, or snuff one out, and I am bereft. But I feel that they don't mind at all, they take joy in making me happy. We should all be so generous with love as the members of the plant kingdom are.

The plants are beautiful!! You have more than a green thumb--you have an affinity for life. You love those plants and they love you back.

Thanks for the picture. I never told you how much you remind me of my older brother (when he was a young man). I wish I had a picture to show you...same smile. Same beard. Or at least, that's way I remember it.

Stay happy, dear @futuremind

I've always loved plants since a young age but never foresaw them being such an integral part of my life. I indeed love it and have an affinity for the challenge that comes with providing them with a proper environment, and tending to their needs. The more put together I am, the better my plants tend to look.

It makes me happy knowing that my smile sparks a nostalgic memory for you. Your brother must be super cool ;D

Thank you for the lovely comment my dear friend @agmoore!

I have always been taught that plants need space and mostly planted outside but I’m wondering how you plant inside and it grows so well even than some that are outside
How do you do it?

Thank you my friend.

I give them lots of love, and the equipment I use to grow them is very powerful.

I thought this was a picture of snow for a moment, so I thought you had gone on a skiing trip.

Yes, I'm baked right now. 😄


Great to see your garden!

I love your vivid imagination :D That's something I would see baked too hahaha.
Good to see you my friend :)

It was the oddest thing, how in a manner of seconds, I made up an entire narrative.

Good to see the new seeds for a new garden. I got a hold of Cookies & Cream, Chocolope, and Purple Tangie from my local vendor. Is weed legal where you're at?