Making thumbnails for YouTube

in Faces of Hive2 years ago

I absolutely loved these pictures I took after filming my latest YouTube content.

Making thumbnails for YouTube can be daunting sometimes because I want them clean and captivating. I couldn’t be bothered about ‘clean’ pictures after filming because I was so tired.


I switched my camera to picture mode and laid my hand on my face.

‘Amara, give a light smile. If you don’t, it won’t come out great.’

So I set my timer, put my palm on my face and smiled. It came out beautiful.



Seeing these pictures pumped me up so I decided to take a picture that would reflect the message I had just filmed.


I used Picsart to do some tweaks and ....

E2337499-07E5-404F-BD01-4C1533FFD3DC.jpeg is the final product. 😁

I hope your day is wonderful.