

Hello dear community coffee lovers, I hope you are well, well I tell you that today I had a craving for a rich mocachino, this day was very quiet, a lot of quiet to rest, reflect, calm the mind of so many sliding during the days of work.

Actually, here in the town where I live in this beautiful island of Margarita, there are not many options to enjoy a rich coffee and its variants, it is enjoyed when we move to larger cities where there are options and variety of large businesses and shopping malls with cafes where they provide these services, then I had to prepare it at home.

I wanted something different from my usual little black coffee and since I had a long time without trying one, I said to myself: >I'll make it myself, everything was to please the craving, hahaha. I'll tell you how I did it.


1/cup hot coffee
½ cup hot milk
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
Sugar to taste



In the blender cup add the coffee, milk, cocoa powder, sugar to taste and blend until frothy and it is ready to enjoy.

It is really delicious, already served in the cup, I added a little cocoa powder, you can also add a touch of cinnamon, you can do it with melted chocolate, all you have to do is be creative.

I was really pleased with how it turned out, I accompanied it with some butter cookies; among so much tranquility, I enjoyed every sip, while my mind wandered in so many thoughts, that came and went without specifying anything specific, only ideas that passed through my mind, but paying attention to that taste that I was giving myself at that moment, savoring my mocachino, valuing and appreciating it, since it was made by me and it was very rich....




These are unique and special moments, I hope you also take a little space to do it and comfort yourself with one like this.

Thanks for the visit and for joining me with my mocachino, see you next time. Blessings.

The photos are my own, taken with my Honor7S phone, edited in Canva and translated with Deepl.



Greetings, friend, it's been a while since I was lost from the community, I like the way you prepared the coffee. Very original and simple.

Thank you for sharing with us this way of preparing mocachino, greetings and happy evening.

Hello, nice to greet you, yes it is very good and easy to make. Thanks for stopping by.

Thanks for reading my post

A great choice to make and taste at home, it will surely have an incredible flavor. I would love to prepare this delicious coffee.thanks!

Hello, if it is very tasty and in the comfort of home, go ahead and do it and enjoy.

 2 months ago  

Hello there!

It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.

Untitled design-77.jpg

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Thanks for the coffee and support, I will follow the suggestions. Regards.

This looks yummy , I am sure trying out this method of your coffee making

Hello, if it is very good, try it and you will see that you will like it. Greetings.

Mocha is always heartwaming and I also love them on some occasion.