Sugared coffee on a date

I was a bit late to work on Wednesday, and I was lucky the manager wasn't around to give me the regular queries. After dropping my items on my desk, I decided to walk to Andrew's office, only to find him with his head resting on the table. Immediately upon entering, he raised his head.

"Bro, what's up? You don't look fine," I asked.

"Mtcheeew, don't mind me, I've been thinking a lot since yesterday," he hissed, tried to put on a brightened face but it didn't work.

"What's that?"

"Okay, you remember Anna, right? She agreed we should go on a date this coming Friday, and..." He paused, picked up his phone, slipped it on, and handed it to me to check a photo. "That's it, she emphasized we are going to have coffee at that particular café"

I muffled a smile, "Coffee? That shouldn't be a problem even though you don't like coffee. You can easily go with another thing while she tags along with her coffee."

"You're not getting it. This is the Anna I've been chasing for about six months, and I wouldn't want my dislike for coffee to spoil the moment for me. Haven't you heard about relationships that didn't work because one partner is not a coffee lover?" He said all this with continuous hisses in between.

"Chill, bro, I'll get you into this coffee thing if you're willing, and it's going to be shocking to you." He was surprised at my words but agreed to play along as long as he could match up with coffee demands before Friday, the set day for his date with Anna.

During the lunch hour, I went out by myself to buy a sachet of the most common product of coffee in my area, Nescafé. I made warm water, poured it into a cup, added the coffee powder, three cubes of sugar, stirred, and gave it to him to drink.

"Is this not Nescafé? This is very bitter like bitter leaf," he picked up the cup and glared at it.

"Yes, Nescafé is bitter, but this isn't. Just try it first." My convincing words worked like magic. Before my eyes, he scooped a reasonable quantity with his spoon, placed it in his mouth, and his face beamed up with a mix of sadness and satisfaction. "It's not as bitter as expected. How did you do it? You added sugar? I heard it's not good to take coffee with sugar."

"Says who? Although many people don't like it, you can take it however you want."
"You can cope with that taste, right?"

"Oh yeah, it's manageable. Can't you see I'm sipping comfortably?" He answered while spoon-feeding his mouth nonstop.

"Good! So, I have a remedy for your fear. You're going to the café before the day, approach the attendants, and tell them to add enough sugar to your cup of coffee on the day of your date. With that, you don't need to be scared. But..." I paused and burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked, looking surprised at how I suddenly switched into laughter while he was paying full attention to my plan.

I tried to catch my breath back, "okay, sorry I laughed. Like what I was saying, you should be very careful not to take the cup that's meant for Anna; otherwise, it's going to be a spoil for you."

"Oh yeah, I get it."

We had the best of moments that day.

Friday arrived, Andrew begged me to follow them to the café and stay undercover so I could make sure things played out well.

I got to the café 20 minutes before Andrew and Anna, paid for the coffee cups, and extensively told the coffee attendant to serve the guy the cup with sugar on it while the other cup to the lady. I sat close on a chair near the coffee spot, an angle where I could see them walk in and also signal the coffee attendant to take note of them.

I was seated with a cup of coffee, of course, a sugared cup of coffee, when I saw Andrew and a lady walk in, I didn't bother to doubt whether the lady is Anna or not; they were so perfect in all ramifications, especially with the white shirt Anna was wearing and the touch of white on Andrew's jacket.
He sighted me from afar and gave me an eye cut, which I reciprocated. I quickly stood up to meet the coffee attendant.

"You see those? Yeah, that's them. Make sure the guy takes the sugared cup while the lady the standard one. Please, no mistake, and be smart about it." I said as I stylishly pointed at them from the stand, and the coffee attendant nodded in affirmation. As I was about to go, he called back, "Hello, sir, please who's coming to make the order? It should be the guy so things get smooth."

"Okay, I'll signal him," I replied him. I walked back to my seat, picked up my phone and messaged him, suggesting he should be the one to come and order for the coffee.

Oh yeah, it worked out. I saw him get up from the seat, walk to the coffee stand, talk with the coffee guy, stay there for some minutes, and take the two cups of coffee back to the seat with his own having some stain on the cup for differentiation.

That was it. I watched them from afar. Andrew sipped the coffee with no reaction, and everything went well.

Image 1 & 2 are my photos. Image 3

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This is the first time I’m seeing your coffee black. I’m sure after you stir it
The milk in it would come forth. Continue to sip your coffee softly

I've only seen black coffee. Abeg which product do you normally use there?

Thank you bro


I take espresso
It’s nice tho

I thought the attendant would make a mistake as I read further, but thanks jah it went well. I love the piece bro. Fantastic.

Things we see in movies. But this was planned well😅

Thank you for stopping by

 4 months ago  

Can't you see I'm sipping comfortably?

Haha! I like the tone there!

Gosh STB.jpg

Hahah 😅

Thank you so much

 4 months ago  

You're welcome!

Sheesh, although it's a small deception... I cannot help but to hope that if the date goes well, he ends up forced to drink lots of black coffees to back the lie 😂. Wouldn't that be funny ☕️

Anything to just make up for the day and it worked.
At the end, he got enchanted to the sugared coffee.

Thank you so much for stopping by

Look at you being a love chaperone. This was a lovely read

!Lolz 😅

Thank you dear

James Bond slept through an earthquake
He was shaken, not stirred.

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I wonder what would have happened if Andrew mixed up the cups hahaha. It was fun to imagine.

Imagining that alone is cracking my ribs 😅

What do you call it when a chickpea kills someone?

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What I liked, that his friend stayed until the end, so that everything went well, another coffee fan, was born with this romance

Yeah, if the friend were to stay off, I'm sure the attendant would have messed things.

Thank you for stopping by


I think the same, it would have destroyed the romance, can you imagine if Anna had had the sweet coffee, a disaster hahaha