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RE: Life's a bitch sometimes

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee26 days ago

Hehe! When the gas finished, I visualised having superpowers to wave a magic wand and make camping gear of some sort appear before my eyes... this one looks perfect.

Yes, the blood oranges were amazingly sweetlike plums. I love grapefruit and they are indeed excellent for a detox, which makes you feel energetic.

There might be a good topic for a challenge: emergency coffee.

That's a brilliant idea.💯

A while ago I dropped in the discord channel an idea for another prom: your favourite book quotes about coffee. (but didn’t receive an answer, you probably didn’t notice). what do you think?

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 12.55.28.png

👆Was it this one? I have it scheduled for June. I schedule prompts months ahead, so it's in the pipeline.

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 12.58.25.png

I did respond to clarify but I didn't tag you 😜


Was it this one? I have it scheduled for June. I schedule prompts months ahead, so it's in the pipeline.

it was it. great! I had one in my head for months, tho it is not about coffee actually. 🤓well, lets see when the time will come. I am being late most of the time :P still want / plan to write a blog about 'spilled coffee' (one day).

Let me treat you with !PIZZA, as always. Have a great day, Milly 🙏

 26 days ago  

Thank you Qwerrie! You could drop me the prompts whenever they pop up in your head.

Thanks for the pizza 😋

Have a great weekend 😊☕️🤗