☕ Traditional Short & Farmer At The Panetteria ☕ [Eng/Esp]

....English Version....

A day of personal errands can be very tiring, even if they are shopping errands. And although shopping can be satisfying, many times we do it out of a felt need and just that day I didn't feel like leaving the house. The thing is that the day before leaving I was not feeling very well, my body was a little down so I woke up with low spirits; however, I had made a commitment to my wife and that must be fulfilled. We started the trip to the Traki Shopping Center and we had not had breakfast, less energy I had; but when we arrived at the site precisely at the entrance there is a place called La Panetteria, the place is nice and you can find many things to revitalize your day.

You can find deli items, snacks, breads of all kinds, groceries for the home both for human consumption and for cleaning. There are pastries in bulk, breakfasts to your liking and what I like the most is that they offer a great variety of coffees. This is the best of all; I entered the place and there we stayed for a while; first to rest and then to place that order that I was sure was going to replenish all the energy of my being. Really being in this place has no comparison because it transmits a unique vibe, the attention of its staff is quite nice because they pamper you from the moment you enter La Panetteria.

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Cover and images Edited in Canva


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As I had said; I went in, rested a little and then enjoyed observing the great menu they have justly of coffees, to then decide on a Traditional Corto, but as I had not had breakfast I also ordered a Chicken Farmer; I know first hand that both coffees and farmers are exquisite, I had previously tried the Pernil Farmer. I placed the order and waited only a moment to receive it; and speaking of this Traditional Corto, the same is nothing more than the famous café con leche, but with a little more art. Now, with the intention of recharging my batteries, I was anxious for the requested coffee to arrive at my table and my wish was fulfilled because everything was ready and willing to enjoy it.

The coffee is a beauty, both the cup and its content; the combination of colors and the art presented to us is fabulous, it also had a lot of foam and I love that. For those who think that a coffee with milk is just a coffee with milk, they are wrong; because from my point of view everything is in the art, in the preparation and how the presentation impacts the person who is going to enjoy it; so all this is like a kind of invitation to return to this place and it is so, because it is not the first time I make an appearance; and it is precisely because of the treatment that one receives, in addition to the exquisite of all its products.







As you can see it is a crazy beauty this presentation, and not to mention the Chicken Farmer because it is really well resolved and you can notice it inside. Now, this breakfast is luxurious and it only remained to add a little sugar to the coffee to start the enjoyment; but as the intention was to recharge batteries, I only put a spoonful to leave it a little charged and so I did, I stirred to compact everything, but first I gave a good bite to the Farmer and I tell you that it has no comparison.

After enjoying the flavor of the farmer, it was time for my body to receive the great sensation of this traditional short coffee. Little by little I felt its flavor, which was combined with the rich sensation of the farmer. Simply, my being took the necessary energy and all thanks to the wonderful attention, the good vibe of the environment and the revitalizing flavor of my entire order; it only remains to say goodbye hoping that in the distance you have enjoyed as much as me, greetings and I say goodbye with my faithful companion, my @liketu cap.








...Thank You For Visiting...

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Photographs taken by me from my Tecno Camon 18p phone.

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....Versión En Español....

Un día de diligencias personales puede ser muy agotador, así sean diligencias con motivo de compras. Y aunque las compras pueden ser satisfactorias, muchas veces las hacemos por una necesidad sentida y justamente ese día no provocaba salir de casa. La cuestión es que el día anterior a la salida no me sentía muy bien, mi cuerpo estaba un poco decaído por lo que amanecí con los ánimos bajos; sin embargo, había adquirido un compromiso con mi esposa y eso se debe cumplir. Emprendimos el viaje al Centro Comercial Traki y no habíamos desayunado, menos energía tenía; pero al llegar al sitio precisamente en la entrada existe un local llamado La Panetteria, el sitio es agradable y puedes encontrar muchas cosas para revitalizar tu dia.

Puedes encontrar artículos de charcutería, refrigerios, panes de todo tipo, víveres para el hogar tanto para el consumo humano, como para la limpieza del mismo. Pastelería a granel, desayunos a tu gusto y lo que a mí más me gusta, es que ofrecen una gran variedad de cafés. Esto es lo mejor de todo; entré al sitio y allí nos quedamos un buen rato; en primer lugar para descansar y luego para realizar ese pedido que estaba seguro iba a reponer todas las energías de mi ser. De verdad que estar en este lugar no tiene comparación porque el mismo te transmite una vibra única, la atención de su personal es bastante agradable porque te consienten desde que entras a La Panetteria.

Post de instagram café cafetería simple marrón_20240502_120710_0000.png
Portada e imágenes Editadas en Canva


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Como había dicho; entré, descansé un poco y luego disfruté observando el grandioso menú que tienen justamente de cafés, para luego decidirme por un Tradicional Corto, pero como no había desayunado también solicité un Granjero de Pollo; sé de primera mano que tanto los cafés como los granjeros son exquisitos, antes había probado el Granjero de Pernil. Hice el pedido y esperé solo un momento para recibirlo; y hablando de este Tradicional Corto, el mismo no es más que el famoso café con leche, pero con un poco más de arte. Ahora, con la intención de recargar mis baterías, estaba ansioso de que llegara a mi mesa lo solicitado y mi deseo se cumplió porque ya todo estaba listo y dispuesto a disfrutarlo.

El café es una belleza, tanto la tasa como su contenido; la combinación de colores y el arte que nos presentan es fabuloso, además tenía mucha espuma y eso me encanta. Para los que piensan que un café con leche es solo un café con leche, están equivocados; porque desde mi punto de vista todo está en el arte, en la preparación y de como impacta la presentación a la persona que lo va a disfrutar; por lo que todo esto es como una especie de invitación a volver a este sitio y es así, porque no es la primera vez que hago acto de presencia; y es precisamente por el trato que uno recibe, además de lo exquisito de todos sus productos.







Como pueden ver es una locura de belleza esta presentación, y ni hablar del Granjero de Pollo porque de verdad que está bien resuelto y eso lo puede notar en su interior. Ahora, este desayuno está de lujo y solo quedaba agregar un poco de azúcar al café para iniciar el disfrute; pero como la intención era la de recargar baterías, solo coloqué una cucharada para dejarlo un poco cargado y así lo hice, revolví para compactar todo, pero en primer lugar le di una buena mordida al Granjero y les digo que no tiene comparación.

Luego de disfrutar el sabor del granjero, llegaba la hora de que mi cuerpo recibiera la grandiosa sensación de este café tradicional corto. Poco a poco se sentía su sabor, el cual se combinaba con la rica sensación del granjero. Sencillamente, ya mi ser tomaba la energía necesaria y todo gracias a la atención maravillosa, la buena vibra del ambiente y el sabor revitalizante de todo mi pedido; solo queda despedirme esperando que en la distancia hayan disfrutado tanto como yo, saludos y me despido con mi compañera fiel, mi gorra de @liketu.








...Gracias Por Visitar...

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Fotografías tomadas por mí desde mi teléfono Tecno Camon 18p

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that's right my friend, coffee reinitiates us and gives us the energy to move forward in our daily lives and do all our errands, that's my vitamin hehehehe. i love the coffee from the bakery. greetings.

Exactly, nothing better than a cup of coffee of any kind to recharge batteries.

Little cups like that are always cute. And the farmer (had no idea that was what it is called) looked really delicious. From your expression here, it really was

That's right my friend, coffee cups have many styles, I tell you that both the coffee and the farmer were delicious. Greetings and thanks for visiting

What better way to recharge your energy with that delicious coffee and that chicken farmer, two perfect combinations to restart the day with great enthusiasm to be able to fulfill the day's plan.
That place is too good, it is ideal to taste that delicious coffee, by the way its presentation invites you to want to try it.

Hello friend, thanks for being here, comoneices this combination was too good. The place is nice and has a very good ambience, the peiducros are of quality. I tell you that lanpade very well

From what I said, they had a great time, that's wonderful, greetings 🥰🤗

 2 months ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

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All images belong to millycf1976

Always grateful for your support, greetings to all the team.