Sipping Coffee While Seeing The Strangest Social Interaction


Almost every day we face various Social Interactions. Sometimes we get involved in it, but most of the time I just avoid it.

This time, The Coffee Shop Prompt discusses the Strangest Social Interaction. Incidentally, I still what I witnessed in a coffee shop that I visited.



The Coffee shop called AMATI. In Indonesian, the name of the coffee shop means observing/paying attention or watching. What a coincidence, I observed what looked strange around where I was sitting in the coffee shop.



Before my order came, I noticed the design of AMATI Coffee Shop. It looks modern and filled with young people. Younger than me. Looks like 2000's generation.





That's why there may not be as much design work required. Just minimalist and I guess the young people who stop by this place only care about "Wifi".

Wifi means a free internet network which is usually provided in various coffee shops for visitors. So you can say that most of the visitors are young people just looking for wifi instead of looking for the coffee itself when they go to the coffee shop.



My order is coming. Vietnamese Drip Coffee. My first time trying black coffee but in a smooth way by adding sweetened condensed milk to the coffee.

For me, I'm just looking for good coffee. As someone who is not a coffee enthusiast, I actually value my time with coffee. I don't want to create a waste of drinks that are not my favorite everyday.


First of all, I waited for all the coffee to drip into the glass that had been filled with sweetened condensed milk. It will take a few minutes.

Continuing I pay attention around. Several groups of young people were seen sitting together. But sadly, they didn't seem to care for each other. Even though they were talking to each other on a topic, their eyes were looking at each other's gadgets. Ooooh so strange! I think this is the strangest social interaction that I witnessed.

Gadgets are commonplace in today's life. Even so, I have my own thoughts. I think it's just a waste of money if we meet up with friends at a coffee shop but we're busy with gadgets. Better to meet at home.


For me, visiting a coffee shop is about enjoying the coffee and the situation. Have a conversation with our coffee buddies. Only use the gadget for the occasional photo, then place the gadget in the corner of the table or keep it in a bag.

Everyone has their own way of interacting. I choose to enjoy coffee and keep my cell phone.


Don't forget to stir the coffee liquid that has dripped into the serving glass. It turns out that the combination of black coffee and sweetened condensed milk is quite delicious. It's just that for me it's still too strong. That's bad, I have insomnia.

When I finished my coffee, the young people I saw earlier were still interacting in the same way. Without looking at each other, but still talking. I thought I couldn't live a friendship like that. How about you guys?


Thank you for reading my blog. Greetings from Indonesia.
My introduction to HIVE can be read in the following post:

All photos are mine from my phone.

 9 months ago  

Hello there!

It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.

Untitled design-77.jpg

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Hello, @cinnccf
Thank you so much for reminding me. And I'm so sorry still lack with engagement works.
Usually I just comment after posting. Just few.
I Will try my best to visit others and comment everyday

And thank you so much for supporting me. Im glad.


Great coffeeshop un Indonesia. Love this coffee.

Hello, there
In fact, as not coffee addict, I like this coffee buat this coffee still to strong for me and makes me insomnia


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