in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago (edited)


Hallo Everyone! Countless times I visited, even if just to sip a cup of coffee. The first time I arrived, it happened by accident, at that time I wanted to find a comfortable place with free wifi to meet the deadline for work assignments. Its strategic location because it is close to the university allows this place to be always busy. It's just lucky, when I visit the atmosphere of the shop always looks quiet and calming. That's why I became addicted to keep coming when I was about to sip coffee while contemplating.




My insight to assess the concept of a coffee shop is certainly not there. But, if I have to judge, I will judge personally, when I visit I feel comfortable lingering here, like being in my own house. Even sometimes forget the time to go home, until this shop closes at twelve o'clock at night. Regarding size, this shop is not too wide, there are three rooms, plus a terrace area. It reflects a simple house that has been transformed into a coffee shop. However, it is sufficient to accommodate various types of visitors. Starting from those who like outdoor air, indoor areas for smoking, or non-smoking areas with air conditioning. Well, visitors can have a variety of seating options to enjoy their favorite coffee.






Regarding the menu choices offered, they are quite varied, in addition to various types of coffee, there are various types of fresh drinks and snacks, the menu looks like a coffee shop in general. And, of course there are several menus available specifically as a hallmark of the shop. However, not too conspicuous about the existing menu options.


The comparison between price and taste is quite balanced, prioritizing the type of consumers around the shop, the majority of whom are students, so the price offered is quite affordable for the coffee served. Personally, I think it tastes good and just right. Barista-style coffee.
From the start, my main concern was not just about the coffee. However, it is more about the atmosphere that the shop offers. Where there are many things to do while sipping coffee. Yes, apart from laughing with friends, visitors can do various other things, such as reading various books and magazines that are lined up on the bookshelves available in the shop, or can also play some games available in the shop with friends. -comrade. In fact, you can while pensively observe the framing paintings that adorn the walls of the shop.



Most millennials certainly want a place that falls into the aesthetic category, has a lot of views to take pictures. Yes, this shop certainly fits into that category. Although not so broad and tend to be simple. Visitors can take portraits with various impressive looks like home-style children from different angles, for example the angle of various kinds of paintings, the display of the bar at the front of the shop, or sitting on the floor with an outdoor concept on a bean bag with a synthetic grass base without feeling too hot. It because the display is in a room with air conditioning.





Visitors can enjoy coffee like the way I often do, which is sitting on a bean bag with their legs stretched out while reading a book, or even sitting until they fall asleep because of the comfort.

Thank you, hive for reading my blog.


Coffee shop with homey concept always makes us want to visit again and again. Nice story.

Thank for comment and appreciation.

that cafe looks cozy.. The concept was so good.

Yes, this is a hidden place I found. Millennials call it... Hidden Gem. Thank you for stopping by., @viviehardika

The place looks cozy... I like the homey concept.

Yes indeed,thank for stopping by

You're welcome!

 2 years ago  

I really appreciate

 2 years ago (edited) 

Hello @syivara
This Coffee Shop is right up my street.
I love its funky, industrial-chic decor, and the artwork.
I would also gravitate to a shop that's smaller and unique, than one of those big fancy chains, as I would feel a sense of homeliness here.
An official welcome to the community. See you around:)

Wow. I strongly agree. You will definitely love the atmosphere when you drink coffee there. An atmosphere of serenity and peace. Thank you for coming and appreciation. See you to 😊 @millycf1976

 2 years ago  

You're most welcome:)

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This is an amazing concept. Many cafes try to achieve a home-lounge feel but this takes it to another level. I really like the paintings as well. So cool.

Thanks you so much.
Right i agree with you, I will try to visit other places, to find another concept.