An unpleasant experience that I resolved in a coffeeshop


A warm greeting to all of us who are coffee lovers in this #cinnamoncupcoffee community.

The idea of going to a coffee shop is to spend a good time and share with friends or family enjoying a good cup of coffee, I think they are one of the good places for relaxation, but it is not always like that because we can spend an unpleasant moment. So the question of this week of this initiative is ¿What are some of the most unpleasant experiences you have had recently in a coffee shop??

I always leave my house with my best attitude, that everything goes well in my destination, one morning I went out to do an errand to the bank, I remember that I went to get a credit card, super happy because this would solve many things in terms of my economy, after withdrawing it I decided to extrenarla in a cafetria, which was near the place.

I went to the fair at the Traky mall in the city, that day I was very happy and not even crossed my mind what would happen to me, I decided to sit in Olivas Café, which is a coffee restaurant that offers an exquisite menu of food, drinks and a variety of coffee, plus desserts. It has a recreational area for the little ones of the house.

I ordered a Cappucino and cupcakes, everything was delicious, I was distracted for a while with my phone, as I finished eating, I went to cancel, and my card was not in my wallet, so I froze, I tried to stay calm, I took a deep breath and started to remember all my trip that morning, I was counting on that money to cancel my coffee, and my card was gone.

After remembering well, I was not sure if I had put it in my wallet, so I called the bank and talked to the teller who had served me, she had left it on her desk, so I told her I would look for it, I had to leave my cell phone in the cafeteria, as a way to answer for my order, I talked to the owner and told him I would be back in minutes, because it was the first time I visited that place and I did not know anyone or its owner, then I went to the bank again and returned to cancel my order and get my cell phone, then I laughed about everything.

All the experiences we go through are not pleasant, but with our attitude and a good coffee, we can get through it all.

I found this contest The Coffee Shop Prompt: No. 60 brought to us by the @cinnccf team and I was interested in participating, inviting my friends to this contest @maleinamarcano @petrarodriguez.

The Coffee Shop Prompt Week 60


Content, photographs and separators of my authorship. @wendyth16

Traducido con DeepL//Translated with DeepL


For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Hello my friend, what a big scare, I can imagine your nerves at that moment, thank God it was just a scare, and you were able to enjoy your delicious coffee. Greetings.

Así es amiga, me asusté pero supe controlarlo primero no tenía como pagar y segundo perder una tarjeta tan valiosa en este país es un riesgo. Lo bueno es que disfrute mi café y resolví.

Saludos bella

 2 months ago  

Thanks for stopping by!-2.jpg

Many greetings, thanks for the support.

It really was an unpleasant moment, but thank God you were able to solve it. There is always a solution for everything, to drink coffee and nothing else.

Hi my beautiful @wendyth16! Sorry to hear about what happened, but I'm glad you were able to fix it, even if it was by leaving your cell phone as collateral. It's epic. The truth is that I would have panicked. A hug my beautiful.🤗

The important thing is that you got the card and managed to pay because otherwise it was even more difficult to resolve the situation.

Friend, what a bad time we sometimes have, the important thing is that you resolved it in the best way and got through that unexpected scare.

After the scare we laughed at what happened to us, greetings 🤗🥰

Wow friend, what a scare, it's no less scary to freeze in a situation like that. It was quite uncomfortable what happened to you, at least the owner waited for you with the guarantee of your cell phone to wait for the payment. An unpleasant experience, no doubt. Regards.

My goodness, my friend. Good thing you were able to get out of that unpleasant moment. Regards 😘

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