First coffee shop opens in town!


Hello hello friends coffee lovers, I wish you all an excellent weekend, with God's blessing; welcome to my blog!

I am happy to be here with you again, a long time ago I told you my story with coffee, but, for various reasons I had not been able to publish again in this beautiful community, but, today I am here again, and, I hope to stay for a long time!

In other publications, I have told you that I live in a small town in the State of Bolivar, Venezuela, it is not a rural area, because we have electricity, drinking water, internet service (not very good, but we do what we can; hehehehehe), but it is not a big city either, here you will not find a shopping center, nor a restaurant, and, less a big coffee shop! very sad, by the way; but, it is a good place to live!

But, a few days ago, the village dressed up to celebrate the inauguration of the first cafeteria, well, it is not a very big place, nor a cafeteria only, it is a bakery-cafeteria, which has become the meeting point for the inhabitants of the village!

The store is called: Crisdel commercial, identified at the entrance on the top floor, the floor is ceramic, the ceiling is wood, with white walls, and beautiful display cases, where in addition to bread and coffee is also offered to the public some groceries, candy and soft drinks!

It has tables inside, and outside, where the customers wait for their orders while chatting in a pleasant way.














Of course it has a beautiful coffee machine, and a large screen where they display the variety of coffee offered to the public, indicating the name, size, and price, for now they offer: American, cappuccino, moccachino, espresso, macciato, bombom, and marietta, which I hope to try one by one, hehehe.

They also offer a variety of other hot drinks such as: chamomile, green tea, black tea, and lemon balm.

So, today, after leaving work I went to the cafeteria to enjoy a delicious coffee, this time I ordered a cappuccino, which by the way was delicious!

The atmosphere and the attention is very nice, so if one day you come to town be sure to visit the cafeteria-bakery Crisdel!

Thank you for joining me on my tour of this new coffee shop!

I hope you enjoyed it!

God bless you!

Translated with
      Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas con mi teléfono ZTE.                                                       

   All images are my own, captured with my ZTE pho
 last month  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thanks friend! It's a pleasure to be here!

Happy day to you too 🙏

 last month  

It's great to see you posting again, and I strongly encourage you to check out the posts of other authors.
You must be so excited about the opening of that shop, and I hope you'll get to treat yourself to that shop again soon:)
Instant Coffee!!-16.jpg

Hi friend, I'm very glad to be here 😊

I've already been visiting other authors in the community!

I plan to go and try each of the options they offer 😁.

Blessings to you 🙏

A beautiful place to go out and enjoy a quiet and relaxed time. I really liked the very modern and attractive come signs.

Thanks for sharing your coffee experience.☕

Happy weekend.

Thank you for visiting and commenting on my post!

It is indeed a beautiful place!

Happy day!

Greetings @yessi08, sure the coffee shop is very visited, the coffee looks delicious and creamy as I like it.

Happy weekend!

Greetings friends being the only one in town, you can imagine, the place is always packed!

The coffee was delicious!

Happy day!

The coffee shop looks like it already has lots of customers. That's good for business. Good for you too, as you can now enjoy your coffee somewhere else that isn't just home.
Come on here to tell us what you think of every coffee you try, okay?😁

Thanks for stopping by my friend!

The place is always full, the service is top notch!

Well that's the idea, to share with you each of the options offered by the cafeteria!


What a nice place friend and the coffee looks super delicious, its good.

It is a beautiful place my friend.

Thanks for stopping by 🙏