Airport goodbyes

in PhotoFeed18 days ago (edited)

Showing the airport through my lens.



In the midst of every farewell lies a mix of emotions - the sadness of a goodbye and the excitement of a new adventure lying ahead. In the airport people experience the most intense emotions. The longest hugs are shared, the most sincere kisses are given, the most excited smiles and the saddest tears. Amidst the swirl of emotions there is still a sense of beauty at airports.


Thinking that for the time you are away, at your home-away-from-home, all your life fits into a small plastic box on wheels...

While spending the morning at OR Tambo International airport saying farewell to a beloved family member starting a new adventure on the other side of the globe, I captured some fun shots of the airports interiors. Showing you a glimpse of how I see the world through the lens of my little camera.







"Goobyes", "farewells", "hellos", "welcome homes" and "I love yous" fill the halls of airport halls amongst the bustling crowds coming and going, suitcases in tow. The airport feels dark and cold as "goodbyes" and "safe travels" are muttered softly. Just as the boarding gate signs glow happily, inviting the excited travellers to their bright new adventure ahead of them.

Even just popping in for a goodbye, airports always bring an immense feeling of excitement and adventure to my body, just the mere thought of flying off to a foreign land and exploring another world brings joy to my heart.


Where is one place you dream about travelling to when visiting the airpot?

Europe is always at the top of my head!

My Post.png

All photographs are copyrighted to the author

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