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in PhotoFeedlast month


Which moments of life are more valuable: bright and impressive or calm and a little everyday? Man is a creature that is never completely satisfied. When we have one thing, we want another. Besides, we're changing. What seemed boring in youth becomes more and more desirable with age.

I like to watch my animals. I love it when they are calm and feel safe. They know that this is their home and no one will ever offend them here. They trust me and each other.

The attitude of my dogs to kittens is a separate story. Every kitten that gets into my house immediately becomes the object of care of tailed nannies. Sometimes they even argue with each other who will babysit the kitten. It's funny and very touching.



So sweet images, dear @torem-di-torem ! So touching. ❤️

It's great that they love them so much :) What happens if you bring in a whole litter?

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Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!