In the World Chaos, Parent's responsibilities are God's Gifts for Me

in Hive Learners21 days ago



Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. Parents are a big blessing from God. I didn't find any more sincere person than my parents. They love us, they care us, they took pains for us and they sacrifice their comfort for us. Even if they have to accept hell to grant us heaven, they will do it without any hesitation. I'm always blessed to have such parents that are my everything. From my childhood to my adulthood, their guidance was like a shining torch in my darkest route. Being Muslim, I learned many things about Parents respect, care and love. I never hesitate in following these golden Islamic Principles.

Parents'care is not a duty, it is an Obligation



When I was unable to stand, when I was speechless, when I was unable to change my dirty dress, when I was unable to eat and when I was unable to speak about my pain, I found there were parents as my big supporter and helper in this world. Their passionate behaviour, affectionate love and unbelievable support from my birth to such an age are always appreciated by me. When there was no support for me, they supported me, I'm still in debt of their precious love. Now when I'm 26 Years old, my parents are old. They need my attention, they need my money and they need my support to survive on this planet. Their pain is my pain, I can't think to separate myself from them. To stand for their responsibilities is not my duty, it is my obligation.

Old Parents deserve Family not Shelter

Being Citizen in Lahore, I have visited Fountain House and Shelter House. In both places, I found one thing common that was madness. In Fountain House, the residents had brain but can't utilise them. In Shelter house, the residents had everything normal but still mad. I have seen although all parents here were in touch conditions but still willing to meet their kids. The kids who had left them in these houses. It was totally painful and heartbreaking but I witnessed all these things in Pakistan also. It is injustice when parents can raise their kids then why these kids can't look after their parents. In Islam, I have learned that parents are our heaven we are not allowed to suffer them either they hurt us or they beat us. My beautiful Religion has given them beautiful rights. These rights are much deserved by them. We all Muslims are emotionally and spiritually connected to our parents. I have seen today one beautiful scene when the old mother was beating to his fifth years old son when he was giving biscuits for eating. Yes, parents beating at this age is still affordable and lovely. We didn't have any right to hurt them. I'm not against shelter houses but I'm against the concepts for leaving parents there. In many countries when our parents get old, they are sent into these shelter house for their care. There should be laws and organisations instead of these shelter houses that will punish these sorts of children who hurt their parents and put their parents into these houses. Either our parents do work or not, it will be our obligatory duty to serve them.




Parenting is a big responsibility. Either we are single or we are married, either we are financially stable or we are poor, our parents are our big responsibility as we were once after our birth. We should take parents responsibilities on our shoulders when they became old and needed some support. I'm opposed all Shelter Houses that are developed and built to reside all old parents without their family. Without parents we didn't have any family. Instead of promoting these house, we should invest our money in educating our youth about parent's rights. We should serve our parents even we have zero benefits from them. Whatever the modern era is, our parents are our parents. I'm very sentimental and emotional about the parents care. I shall always raise voice for their care and for their rights.

This post is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content A Child's Responsibility. I hope, you enjoyed my post. Thanks!

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Unconditionally, parents love us and care us. And doing all those things which make us happy.

 21 days ago  

Exactly, parents do whatever they can for us. Their happiness and their care all is linked with our look after.

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