Keeping An Open Mindset As Parents

in Hive Learners26 days ago

Growing up I have realized that no matter how you train a child in your ways they could wake up one day and decide to be different from you. They could choose a different religion, a different lifestyle, a different course of study, and sometimes a different gender as well. Life happens and when one is an adult making decisions is entirely one’s choice.

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Most times I have seen situations where parents try to push their children through a path they the parents want and sometimes it doesn’t end up well. Some time ago, I heard a story about how a father wanted all his kids to study specific school courses. To him, he was only being a great parent, so that they would come out successful.

Well, he was able to push them and then they all gained admission to study what he wanted them to study. The one whose father wanted to study engineering didn’t want to study engineering but then that wasn’t his decision to make as he was only following his father’s decision. Well, he dropped out during his 200 level as he couldn’t continue with the course, but he couldn’t tell his father. The father found out when his mates had graduated and he kept pressurizing him to bring his result.

He couldn’t face his father, so the father had to call his brother to talk to him, that was when he said that it wasn’t his decision to study engineering as he wanted to study something entirely different.


When I become a parent, if there is one thing I would do is to be supportive of my children’s decisions. Most times it might be difficult because of the path they must have chosen but then I will have no choice as they will be adults already. What a parent will do is train their children in a way that they feel is the right way for them to grow as kids. Whatever they choose to do as adults is solely their decision to make.

Most times it will be terrible seeing your children going through another path entirely different from what you want them to do. Apart from giving them advice and also making them see things with you. If there is one thing I will not do as a parent is force an adult into following a path that I want. Maybe as children, we could make them follow our choices but as adults, it is left for them to decide what they want and how they will live their life but forcing them is wrong.

Sometimes a child could choose the wrong path when they are grown but then as a parent, you can only make them see that what they are doing is wrong, but if you decide to force them, they could decide to run away and still do whatever they want to do.
Being a parent is all about having an open mind. Having an open mind about several things because your children could grow up to be what you despise so well.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

Thanks for stopping by💕
Cheers 🥂


Being a supportive parent is a good way to go but sometimes it's very hard to support them if we think they are going on the wrong path.

Popped in from Dreemport, always an awesome #dreemerforlife.

I don’t know if this is weird but my mom didn’t even push us through a certain path, she allowed us to find our own paths especially me and I think it helped a lot
She never restricted me but in the end I didn’t grow up as a bad girl or something


You wrote very well my friend
Parents need to actually learn good parenting
Their children are different person from them and they must recognise that fact

 26 days ago  

Parents mostly have the power to correct their child when they are still young but once that child becomes an adult, the only thing the parents can do is to advise if they notice that their child is not on the right path. Ultimately, the child can decide to listen to the advice or not, they are the only ones who will bear the consequences of their actions

 25 days ago  

You are right, when the child is an adult you can’t force them into your own ways

 26 days ago  

If parents don’t support their children they tend up to hold grudges against their parents and as result there is a huge distance created between the bond.

 25 days ago  

You’re right and they will still do whatever they want

Parenting comes with a lot of challenges and once the kids grow into adult, it's another ball game entirely. The worst thing to do at this time is forcing your opinion down their throat, it won't work because by then they have choices to make. Having an open mind, will really help parents in this aspect.


I don't understand why parents force their opinion on their child without thinking of the disadvantage. Instead of forcing your opinion on them, it's better and important to be supportive instead