Pisces The Fish...

in Hive Learners2 years ago

RODNAE Productions


Does our zodiac sign really tell us about who we are?

This is a question that has come to baffle me for a long time now. With the way some people are going on and on about their zodiac signs, it is as if it is the people that are determined by the signs and not the other way around. After all, these signs were discovered by people, and the list was compiled by people also. Now, it seems like many people in this generation are trying to live in accordance with what the zodiac sign dictates.


Zodiac signs are basically the arrangement of stars in the night sky. At certain times of the year, a certain shape or form will be formed by these stars. And those stars have been named so because they are usually the most common. Now, people who are born within the period when a particular constellation is in effect will be known to possess the qualities unique only to those born in that season.

But how true is this?

Honestly, I have no idea. Because so far, I have not had good experiences with people who are taking the zodiac thing seriously. The only time I have heard them mention it is when they are trying to cover up for something bad that they did.

You might hear something like; “it’s not my fault that I am difficult to work with, I am a Sagittarius and we are naturally stubborn.”

Alex Green

I find it annoying when people attribute their bad habits to their zodiac signs, making it seem as if they have no control over their own decisions and everything they do is based on the definition of a sign that is high up in the sky.

But then, if we are going with that statement above, does it mean that only one sign can be stubborn? What about the others as well, can they be stubborn too? Do people have a choice to be stubborn but they can’t help being the opposite?


And then, on the other side, I have never really heard people attribute their achievements or good things to their zodiac signs.

I’ve never heard something like; “wow, I really handled that speech well, it is because I am Gemini.”

Or, “I know why I was not scared of those armed robbers, it is because I am cancer and cancer are courageous and fear no man.”

Lisa Fotios

I don’t know if there are people like these, but so far, I have not met any of them. Whether online or physically. The ones I have seen are always having an excuse for bad behavior and placing the blame on the innocent zodiac signs.

It is sad what the world is turning into because then they would want us to change and adapt to them and their bad behavior instead of them learning and becoming better versions of themselves.


Well, as you have probably noticed, I am not really versed when it comes to zodiac signs, but I do know that my birth month is in February and that places me somewhere in Pisces the Fish. Another zodiac sign. I am sure that when I check it out, I will see some attributes that will tally with mine.

The thing is that when you browse these attributes and personalities out, what you see are good traits and qualities, so then where do the bad ones come from? Unless I need to go through them again and remind myself of them.

Lisa Fotios

So, do I believe in zodiac signs? Oh yes, I believe they are actual constellations of the stars and they form visible shapes all over the world. But do they have any effect on people? I highly doubt that. People keep thinking that they are doing what they are doing because their stars are in a perfect position.

I am not trying to dampen the belief of some people. If you believe that it is real and working, then good for you. But please learn to also own up to your actions, and desist from blaming them on the sign that had nothing to do with the act in the first place.


You might have noticed I made a few errors in those sentences concerning Sagitauraus, Gemini, and Cancer, it must be a mistake. I know that a quick Google search would have gotten me the right personality, but why bother?

A time might come when I might begin to consider taking it seriously, but that day is not today. Let everyone just own up and do what they feel is best for them.

So, my dear friends, what do you think about this? Do you think Zodiac signs have more effect on people’s lives than we care to admit? Do you think it is highly underrated or overrated? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below, I would love to know your thoughts.


Thank you for reading. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is Zodiac Signs. Feel free to take part.

Borderimage credit: @deimage.


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 2 years ago  

Zodiac signs are just predictions of personality and these days people take onto it and have a whole lot of believe over it, even blame their bad habit on zodiac signs.

I feel zodiac signs are overrated

 2 years ago (edited) 

Indeed, it is overrated and we all need to get our head back on track.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

The way some persons take this zodiac sign of a thing personal, it makes it annoying.

 2 years ago  

Wow! You've said my mind. We both share the same thoughts... I also believe in zodiac signs but I don't take them seriously to be honest.

Yes. They exist, they define my personality traits but they don't determine me. I don't even try to blame my flaws on them either.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Very correct. Our zodiac signs do not determine the way we act as individuals and how we relate with others. This is something we need to learn.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

You might hear something like; “it’s not my fault that I am difficult to work with, I am a Sagittarius and we are naturally stubborn.”>

Lol. This got me. It is very annoying when they say these stuffs. Or they say things like “that guy is not not my type, he’s a Gemini” like, how’s that possible?!!

I’ve never seen them link their good characters to their zodiac signs, it’s always the bad ones. Very strange.

However, there are some people that strongly believe in zodiac signs and it works for them. I don’t blame them, but for me, it is a fun thing to know but it’s not real and it doesn’t determine who we are.

Thanks for sharing.

Yeah, there are those it works for. But they are only in the minority. More of the people I have come into contact with just made the zodiac sign seem like a bad thing.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

I didn't understand what Zodiac signs mean when I saw it on discord. Till I read your post, I get to understand what it means.

I will get to know my Zodiac signs of January, my birth month.

Thank you for your simplicity of words here. I appreciate.

I try my best. Now that you know what zodiac sign means, you can look it up and determine if it is something you can believe in or not.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

There are some people who believe it blindly and because of this they face various problems in future. I think it has no effect on people's lives. Well written anyway

Indeed, there are those who take what the symbols say and try to pattern their life to fit it. And that is very wrong.

Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

I think most people are just exaggerating about this, why do I say that, I once wasted my time just to ask about this 10 of my friends, and my ten friends said they never found out the truth about it (zodiac) 😁

Hehe... your friends must really not care at all. But then, who can blame them?

Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

I don't know haha😅

 2 years ago  

For those trying to make excuse of their wrong deeds and associating with zodiac signs are irresponsible and do not want to take responsibility of their actions. Why will someone use that to cover up a bad deed but can't associate with something good?

Zodiac signs are just coincidence but one would be flattered when they know some traits speaks well of their personalities.

Indeed, they heap the blames for their wrongdoings on the zodiac. As if it was the one that forced them. Many of us still need to learn a lot.

Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

You might hear something like; “it’s not my fault that I am difficult to work with, I am a Sagittarius and we are naturally stubborn.”

This is very funny, they don't want to admit that they're naturally stubborn instead they blame it on zodiac sign 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Correct... but eventually they would realize that they still have to own up. Whether they like it or not.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

You're welcome