My child is my responsibility but his life decision is his choice

in Hive Learnerslast month

When it comes to religion, I do not think bad of any because I believe that we all serve the same God, the only difference is the names we call Him, if you study the bible and Quran, you will realize that there is a similarity in some of the stories, Christians have Jesus while the Muslim have Isa, the same way Christians have Moses and the Muslims call him Musa and so many more...


I was born into a Family with a Muslim background and I later converted to Christianity not because the Muslim religion is bad but because I love how Christianity conducts its services and how it is easy to pray alone since the word of God is written in English, I love their worship songs too and I feel more connected with God with their way of worship unlike the Muslim religion that I need to study the Quran and also recite their surah which is impossible unless you attend an Arabic school.

My parent never had an issue with my change in religion and I respect them for that, I have heard stories in which parents disown their child because he/she changed his religion or when their child plans to marry someone from a different religion.

I find it ridiculous and will never force my children to stick with my religion, they will have their freedom on many things and some of those things are:


  • Career: I would not expect my children to fulfill my desires, because I could not become something in life does not mean I should force my child to live the dream for me, he has his own life and desires, and telling him what to become is selfishness on my own path and burden to him which could make him a failure in life if that was not the path destined for him.

  • Partner: We are now in the Gen Z era and parents need to know their boundaries, we are no longer in the old age where parent betroth their children, I have no right to tell my child who to marry but I can advise him or her on who they should not marry if I see any bad signs but still if he wants to go ahead with it, it is his choice and that won't make me disown the child, in fact, he can always return like the prodigal son when things go wrong.

  • Religion: As I emphasized above, when my child is old enough to make life choices, I can not stop him...He is free to join any religion he likes the same way my parent did not stop me.

The duty of a parent is to protect and take care of the child till the time he is old enough to make his own life decision.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The parents are the caretakers, they can only guide them in the right path, and not to meddle in their affairs.
Thank you for this beautiful content.

I believe as a parent, we can only do little for our children because when they attain some stages in life, they learn even beyond what we can teach them. So we just have to guide them not to go astray. Good thoughts.

 last month  

that is just it...

Yeah bro

Impressive article. Being a parent really, just involves guidance not command and that brings about choice, just like our heavenly father did to us, the only thing here is every lifestyle have rules and these rules are what parents are to show to their children as well as it's possible outcomes just like our heavenly father did, that's what parenting seems to me. Thanks for sharing, too bad I can't join the contest.

 last month  

Why can't you join? there is still few hours before it end

Not a verified member

 last month  

My parent never had an issue with my change in religion and I respect them for that

In that case, I think you are lucky or in your country, people take it normally. I have no idea about it. Based on my country's situation changing religion is a very sensitive issue most cases parents depart from child. It happens with most of people doesn't matter what the religion is. So, it's not so easy thing here.

 last month  

I have watched a lot of India films and I see it happen there, so I believe you, religion is a big deal over there.

Parents tend to take a management role with their children but I think acting as a leader is more beneficial for both the parent and the child. Children have to be allowed to make their own choices, so that they can learn better what works and what doesn't work, and iterate from there. This way, they're actually growing instead of being at the shadow of thier parents.

 last month  

The fact that you can always allow your child to return back just like the prodigal son is cool. No matter what happens, my child is still my child so I won’t disown him for any reason whatsoever

 last month  

Yeah, he will always be my child no matter his offense.