One of the precious gift bestowed upon mankind

in Hive Learners11 months ago

We are too busy nagging our creator to bless us with the gift of wealth, we are always in pursuit of money and we don't appreciate the little we have, our desire for more money is insatiable.



We tend to focus on the things we don't have instead of being appreciative of the ones we are blessed with.

We forgot that we are living on borrowed life and it can be taken from us at any time, we do not decide how long we are going to live, many people slept in the night and didn't wake up the next day, the giver of life has taken what belongs to Him, we can only hope that ours is not taken prematurely.

Nothing we bring to this world and nothing we shall take with us, this is a good reason why we must not do evil to amass wealth nor should we risk our lives and health for money, no amount of money can save us from the hands of death, nor can we take our houses and car to the place beyond earth.

We must always be thankful at all time for the precious gift of good health bestowed upon us.

This reminds me of a day I went to the general hospital in my city, I left home with a joyful heart because my sister just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl but came back with a heavy heart as a result of the things I saw at the hospital.


Just as I got there, they rushed a dying man inside, there was an accident that took the lives of many, he was the only survivor but the accident took something precious from him too, his two eyes😥😥😟

I just could not help but imagine what is left for him if he really survives this when his two eyes are gone, he has become a liability as he can't work anymore nor can he see those precious to him.

Conversations like, Look at that fine house, This baby is beautiful, I love how you look will always leave him heartbroken because he can't see what those people are admiring anymore.

Honestly, I would rather die than live without my eyes, there is nothing more to live for.

When you visit the hospital, you will forget about the things you can not afford and be grateful for good health... What is wealth without good health?

There are rich people laying lifeless on the hospital bed being supported with oxygen and waiting for their death, their wealth could not buy them good health

Here we are, risking our health for money.

I could remember something very dangerous I did for money a few years ago.


It was a drinking contest in which the participant needs to drink 2 bottles of beer within a few minutes and the person with the shortest time wins the prize.

I don't drink but I needed the money and I love contests, I bought two bottles of star lager beer and ask someone to record me while I drank it.

I have almost finished the second bottle when my body system could not take it anymore, but I did not stop I made sure to finish it within 2 minutes 47 seconds but I vomited immediately after I finished the beer.

My thought now is what if my body had adjusted and I didn't vomit immediately, some people did not do up to this before having liver problem and other organs failure.

I got a prize of 3000 naira and I was happy but it is now I realized I almost gave up my health for 3k. If any issue had come up, the money I got from the contest won't have been able to solve it.

The lesson in this is that we must value our life and health over money, it is a priceless gift.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


Beauty post my precious 😉
I am so thankful everyday for the breath of life that I receive each morning and every little things in life 🙏

 11 months ago  

Longest time dear!

How have you been? you are fond of appearing and disappearing as you wish🧐

Yes long time ..
Life been surprising. Aha, no dear it's a long story.
I miss you, hope you doing fine ?
Big hugs 🤗

 11 months ago  

Am good, miss you too😊

come to discord and gist me about this long story😁

 11 months ago  

Same reason I stayed off work today, I'm overstressed from having to work too hard to meet up the bills, feeling sick, I still wanted ti force myself, then a thought came to my mind that if I die while working, my customer will live and move to the next fashion designer, mehn! I just stand up go rest lol😂

 11 months ago  

😂😂 you told yourself the truth

If you die today, that same day they will find someone else to do their work for them, glory life matters plz lol

so your health first, other things follow😊

 11 months ago (edited) 

Burl almost gave up his health for 3k 🤣🤣🤣 thank God it didn't turn into another thing. One would surely forget what they do not have but keep appreciating God for gift of good health once they visit the hospital and seeing different patient with life threatening illnesses. We need to be more grateful because we are very lucky.

 11 months ago  

As in, I am just thinking about it, it was a really dumb move from me but thank God for life.

Health is wealth🙂

 11 months ago  

Death is unavoidable and someday we all need to leave his beautiful world.
Living life without eyes is very pathetic and sometimes I feel it's worse than death also. I wish not to see such kind of accident.

I got a prize of 3000 naira and I was happy but it is now I realized I almost gave up my health for 3k.

You have done the wrong thing. 3K is not worth compared to your health. I hope you won't do such kind of mistakes in the future.

 11 months ago  

it was a wrong move from me and yea never will I risk my life and health for money again... There is more to life.

Like for real, nothing to live for without eyes, it is a miserable life

 11 months ago  

Hahaha, why did you win it? You weren't supposed to win since you vomited, Beer is not to be rushed but drink gently to enjoy the taste and feeling, if rushed that is when it becomes dangerous and abusive. Lolz funny story thou