in Hive Learners25 days ago (edited)


Birth control is a process where pregnancy is being altered by any means. It's a means of using varied methods to curtail pregnancy. When I saw the theme for this edition, I kept wondering and I never knew I would be able to even drop something like this. It's really an interesting topic and I hope to share some experiences I gathered from some individuals that might be relevant to someone here.
I know there are different ideas and perceptions towards birth control in my country today.

My country called Nigeria is so blessed with three major religions that I know. Islamic, Christianity and African Traditional Religion. Based on this, there are beliefs that is attached to the issue of birth control however I will like to look at it from the government and health perspectives and share my own input. As I said earlier, any device, medicine, method or thing done to prevent pregnancy is called birth control. There are so many principles that could be deployed to achieve this which includes and not limited to Natural methods, Hormonal methods, Barrier methods, Intrauterine devices etc depending on which is suitable or compatible base on the Individual difference.

A woman applied one of those methods by using some contraceptive pills hmmmm she really went through lots of pains and difficult situation. It wasn't easy on her at all because she started loosing her weight and feeling uncontrollable. It was as if she would die off but God really intervened and she was protected and preserved. She promised never to take such contraceptive again instead she would change her method to natural means. Today, she is enjoying her life and so blessed with two wonderful kids.

The government in Nigeria is really trying in the area of family planning though the effort is not enough and no law that gives a particular number of children each family ought to have. The government have made attempt to provide family planning center right from the grassroots to the top though some of the clinics and hospitals aren't well equipped and most of the citizens don't even know where to locate them because they lack some requisite knowledge. The government is trying to establish contact and network with other organisations for an innovative methods to increase or expand the family planning services. All these plans aren't just ok because so many people don't have sufficient knowledge to enable them engage in the family planning. Good sensitisation and orientation would go along way to curb this.

For me, if the government would be involved and take proactive measures and make laws for minimum number of children and maximum number will help alot. If the birth is properly controlled, it will enable the government to have an accurate number of her citizens and to know how to build a sustainable economy for the benefit of everyone. Regulating the number of children in a family presently will be fine owing to the fact that there is hardship and most families find it difficult to survive. There's a man that had ten children. He could not provide all basic needs infact school fees was a challenge. Even what to eat was very very difficult for them. Hmmm it seems is the poor that use to have plenty children compared to the rich. He came one day that we should give him a piece of land to cultivate. He requested for half of the money before he started the work. Had it being there was proper birth control, he wouldn't have found himself in a mess like this. Birth control has lots of benefits to both the government and family. It helps to regulate population growth, plan how to manage resources, it helps in census etc. Is better you have few numbers of children that you can take care of than having plenty that you can't control. Birth control is necessary especially in Nigeria.

Thanks for reading through and all comments appreciated.

 25 days ago  

I believe regulation on birth control is the best, it will make life more comfortable for everyone especially during this hard times

 25 days ago  

Oh yes. Thanks for the response

I totally agree with this. Mostly for economic sake.. But would our country people agree to this? I say so base on what have seen in our society of today

 25 days ago  

We are praying that the hope be renewed.

Yea...that's a huge prayer.. Amen brother ❤

 25 days ago  


 25 days ago  

Nigeria My country is so special, I pray that the Birth control regulations and measures should be taken,
I pray our people adhere though

 25 days ago  

Amen my brother. That's our prayers

 25 days ago  

Contraceptives to a great extent do fail. You rightly said it, the religion of the makes them have their different views when it comes to child birth and we take our region so serious in my country that the government finds it difficult to come in

 25 days ago  
