Birth control?, some crazy policy.

in Hive Learners29 days ago (edited)

The question of whether governments should regulate the number of children families can have is complex and often intersects with ethical, cultural, and human rights considerations. In some countries where religion holds a higher position, like my country, it is said that it is a greater calling that men should procreate and bring more children into the world. I see no issue with that, but when procreation becomes a danger to the earth on which we live and a problem for the country's economy, then a birth control policy should be put in place.

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There are some countries that have this policy in place and are doing great in this present age. Many people view the ability to decide how many children to have as a fundamental human right. Any government policy that restricts or mandates family size may be seen as infringing upon individuals' reproductive autonomy and rights to privacy. There are some countries in which the government doesn't give a damn about their human rights. So long as the country is doing fine, then your human rights belong to the government.

Please note: This is not an attempt to condemn any country practicing a birth control policy.

In North Korea, there is a birth control policy and regulation that strictly monitors the number of children each family can have. It is also mandatory to get a permit from the government before you can start having children. There is also a strict punishment for anyone who gets an unauthorized pregnancy.

Funny, right? But this hasn't stopped the country from achieving great things. There are other countries that also have strict policies on childbirth control, like Vietnam with the two-child policy; Singapore also has a two-child policy; and Iran has implemented various population control measures, including financial incentives for sterilization and restrictions on access to contraceptives. However, the government has shifted towards encouraging larger families in recent years to address demographic challenges. There are many other countries to mention. These countries are doing well economically, and this birth count policy has helped them keep a tap on all the citizens they have because, as a child is born, the child is registered, and they know the total increase and decrease of their population without taking a census.

Currently, in my country (Nigeria), the only birth control policy in place is access to birth control and family planning services, nothing more, nothing less. While the government has policies in place to promote family planning and reproductive health, there are significant challenges related to funding, infrastructure, and education, yet there is no policy for the number of children a family should have.

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I believe the government should get involved in my country's birth control system. There are many families that can't take care of their children, but they keep on bringing them into the world. This made me remember a family that stays in my neighborhood. This man has six children, which include him and his wife, making a family of eight. His wife always comes to my parents to ask for financial assistance and, sometimes, food. We always help most of the time, and when we can't, we let them know. Sometimes, if his wife couldn't come to seek help, the man would come himself. It was a surprise for me to see his wife pregnant again, just eleven months after her last birth. Having children isn't a thing of shame, but in this aspect, it was a thing of shame, and I believe if there was a policy guiding families on the total number of children they can have, then such a thing wouldn't happen. Some policies even state that a family can have more children if they have the financial capability to take care of the children, which is quite understandable.

If the government can put a regulation on the number of children a family can have, I believe things will get better under a larger scheme. Thanks for reading.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice insight man.
It's actually true, there's a very clear difference between countries that employ and implement birth control policy anf those that do not.
Birth control has individual, family, communal, national and even international effects.
On an individual and family, if birth control is not checked, the family will struggle to fend the children and the children who are not properly raised due to large family size may end up growing in the streets and causing havoc in the community and country as a whole. In the international aspect of birth control effect, I would say that most health issues putting weight on the world health organization and other health related bodies arise from families. Come to think of malnutrition, a family of ten children together with parents adding up to twelve individuals. Unless the parents are Elong Musk, they would be a struggle for the family to regularly eat balanced diet.
I have lots to say but let me not create my own blog in the comment section.
It's really a matter of public concern and I am very happy you brought it up. Nice one, my boss.

 29 days ago  

This is a very insightful comment that you have state
You even explained things more deeper than I intended. Thanks for this comment

@captainman! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fashtioluwa. (3/5)

Oh right!
With our economic standard currently, birth control would have been of great help to many family assuming it were a law.

 29 days ago  

Very true
It would help a lot of family cause many people will give birth and throw their kids out in the street to hawk because they can’t take care of them

Omo..make God just continually help this country of ours😪

 29 days ago  

Amen o
And we need to understand things and help ourselves

 29 days ago  

Regulating childbirth will be a very difficult thing to do because families wants as many children as they can get

 29 days ago  

And they have to be stopped because some of them are not literate enough to understand the importance of birth control

 29 days ago  

true. They have to be educated on the importance of birth control

 28 days ago  

You are totally right, I think this is the right time we should be using birth control so that we won't be giving birth to children that we know we can't cater for.

 28 days ago  

Very truth and it is something that can be done easily