Saturday and Sunday are for? Family Time.

in Hive Learners26 days ago

Growing up with my siblings was pretty tough for us because we never really expressed our emotions to each other, but one thing I know for sure is that we loved each other. One way my parents helped us bond well was by making sure we ate together. Growing up, I never liked this idea. I didn't want to eat on the same plate as my siblings, but I had no choice; I either ate with them or went to sleep hungry.

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In the year 2024, we’ve all grown up and now reside in different states. Our reunions are reserved for the festive season, and during those precious moments, we come together as a family on Saturdays and Sundays. This tradition began when my dad relocated to the city during our childhood. On Saturdays, he regales us with stories from his own youth, while Sundays are dedicated to sharing our needs and life updates with him.” 😊

Like I said, we are all grown, and during our family time, we don't use our phones. It doesn't even cross our minds because it is a time when we all get to listen to ourselves and know what's going on in our lives.

Should phones be banned during family time?

Yes, I believe so. There can't be family time if you're all on your phones. Family time is not a time to chat and commune with friends online; it is a time for you to talk to one another and create memories you will cherish for the rest of your life.

Will banning phones during family time make bonding better?

I believe banning phones during family time will help them bond more because there are some people who can't stop pressing their phones even when they are having family time. There are some people who have missed out on their family when they were needed the most because they were not paying attention; they were just busy on their phones.

Something happened one day when we were having family time. I had the belief that I knew my siblings so well until the day we had family time, and my big sister was talking about how she had a boyfriend who she gave her blackberry phone to for a short while, and sometimes the guy ran away with it.
Why did she confess? Well, my dad got the phone for her, and he hasn't been able to get to her for a week, so he has been asking her about it, and she has been making a lot of excuses until my dad asked during the family.

You see, times like this are really needed—playing games with your siblings, talking about your worries, and how life has been going with each other—so I believe everyone shouldn't use a phone when their family is trying to talk to them. It's not only neglecting their feelings; it's also disrespecting them.

This is my entry for Hivelearners Week 113, Episode 4. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to drop your phone when you are having family time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 26 days ago  

It feels like human interaction was sacrificed for smartphones, as it is very apparent that too much use of it has ruined the way we communicate with each other, even down to family time. These days it's not surprising to see a family sitting at the dinner table but rather than talking to each other, they are all glued to their smartphone, it's really sad

 24 days ago  

My dad is always against us using our phone when we are having dinner together

You either drop your phone or go somewhere else

 26 days ago  

I also think that attention should be entirely for the family during moments of togetherness, but I disagree about prohibition. Of course, each case is unique, but prohibition should come after trying other solutions.

 24 days ago  

Well, like you said if other solution fails then prohibitively making sure non of them have their phone is the best
Family time is family time