Parent-Child relationships and acceptance

in Hive Learners25 days ago

I was birth from a Muslim background. My Dad happens to be a practiced Muslim but he never for once kicked against anyone becoming a Christian. He told us to be faithful in serving God, we should choose either being a faithful Muslim or Christian to serve God wholeheartedly. One God is who we have. Do what pleases you👌


What would be my reaction to seeing my children deviating from my way of life?

At first, I might not be happy about that but parenting is selfless, not selfish. I wouldn't want a situation whereby, I will be the one in control of their lives. I need to raise individuals who can think for themselves, be independent, make their own decisions, and find their path in life.

As a realistic parent, who wants the best for her children, I would strive to be supportive and understanding if my children were to choose a different path in life. No parent wants a failure as a child for this reason, I should be able to give my full support. Forcing a child to be this and that in life according to your wish does not augur well. I have seen many cases whereby a child who's good at acting was forced into a medical line. Lo and behold, she studied medicine for her parents but later went fully into acting because that's where her passion is, today, she is one of the richest female actresses in the world.

Would you be supportive of them, or will you try your best to keep them in your way of life?

There are lots of reasons why I should be supportive of them.👇👇

Unconditional love, My love for my children should be unconditional that is I need to love and support them regardless of whatever their choices may be. Love is the first thing and it should be paramount. Encourage and embrace their ideas with love and acceptance.

Communication and acceptance, I would maintain an open and honest dialogue with my children, listening to their choices, reasons, and perspectives. This would help me understand their decision and address any area of concern. I would be proud of my children for exploring and finding their paths in life, even if it does not reckon with what I want for them. They need my prayers to go far beyond their limits.

Open trust , I would trust that I have raised my children with strong values and a good heart, and have faith that they will make choices that align with those values and will not depart from them. Train your child the way he should go so that when they grow up, they won't depart from it.

Autonomy and Respect, I would recognize that my children have autonomy over their thoughts, beliefs, and values. I would respect their right to make their own choices and decisions. I would also offer guidance and support as they journey their new path, while also respecting their independence and decision-making.

What will you do as a parent who believes you're doing what's best for your child?

As a good parent, I can challenge them by showing concern or questioning them as to why they want to deviate from my ways but that does not mean, I wouldn't support my children's happiness, growth, exploration, passion, beliefs, values, career choices and their overall well being. I believe in doing what's best for my children as they are my heritage on earth. I need to show them my love for them is unconditional ✌️

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This is my opinion on the hive-learners community contest on the topic; A CHANGED CHILD.

Thanks for stopping by my post today, do well to share your views in the comments section. One 💕

Yours in 💕💕


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 25 days ago  

It is the most natural thing to worry about the path that our children take and it will not always be the one we want for them, we give them our point of view and let them make their decision. If we have instilled life values and set a good example, they will do well in whatever they undertake, we must let them live and if they make mistakes, let them take it as an experience that will give them more learning.

This is so thoughtful, ma'am!
Allow them to make mistakes and make it an experience that will give them more learning.

Thank you for this beautiful comment 👏👏

 25 days ago  

WOW 😲! Your father is one of his kind. So many people would not allow their children to choose what religion they want. But thank God for your parents.
It is our own time now to show our children same kind of love that we have received from our parents.
Thanks for sharing

That's what everyone says. He is indeed one of his kind for allowing us to choose a religion we are comfortable with.

I will give my children the autonomy to make their choice.

 25 days ago  

I agree with you mama, supporting them is the right decision

Exactly, we only need to encourage and stand by their choices to do it right

 25 days ago  

Right momma

 25 days ago  

So many parents will not want to give room for change, instead they will let it break the bond and scatter the family.

Hmm! Why some children go as far away from their parents to avoid meddling in their affairs

 25 days ago  

You have a good insight on child upbringing. It’s not about our selfish decisions, but our selfless efforts and guidance on them. We give them what they need as parents and then let them have their ways. At the end if we are no more, the will surely live the life they wanted.

In the end if we are no more, they will surely live the life they wanted.

If we as a parent can think this way, it would be better 👍

When you force a child to take up what you want and prefer, my question is, are you the ones to feel the heat?