Best friend I ever had

in Hive Learnerslast year

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Childhood memories are filled with so much fun, no worries, and no stress at all, all we had to do was play, eat, more play, and sleep, and of course, the play is often with our friends, those days we thought life will continue that way, little did we know that the only thing constant in life is change. Adult life can be so stressful at times we wish we could be children for long, haha, no bills to pay, no responsibilities, no stress, etc.

I wasn't much of an extrovert during my childhood days, meaning I didn't keep many friends, but the few I had were very dear to me, one friend that stood out amongst all is named Joy, we met at our school, luckily, we were classmates and became very close friends turned sisters, we were always referred to as twin since we had same stature and complexion, thinking about her now brings a smile on my face, I remember us always exchanging our food brought from home during break time, we read together, had common rivals and we were always the class toppers, the weekend never goes by without us visiting each other's house, also, we were the reason our both families became close. Being mischievous was also our calling and you had to think twice before upsetting one of us. If anyone had told me we could go separate ways then, I wouldn't have believed them, because our bond was so strong together. But as they say, the only thing constant in life is change and change happens to us all.

How our bond was severed

We both finished secondary school at a very young age compared to our peers and imagined getting admitted to the same federal institution at the same time, but sadly she didn't make the admission list even though she tried her best, she was a few numbers away from the cut off mark, while I got, on the other hand, got admitted, It was saddening, we cried together, still she was happy for me and told me to go without her, she would try next year and that was how the separation started because she still didn't get lucky soon enough no matter how hard she tried, whenever I visited home for holiday, at first she was always happy to receive me but later, she started withdrawing gradually, I knew she felt a shame because of the wait for her admission. I never stopped visiting to encourage her even when she tried ignoring me. Thankfully, after three years of waiting, she got admitted into a different federal university, I was so happy for her. Then I got married, while she, after finishing her studies traveled out of the country.

We are no longer close, due to distance, but once in a while, I try to contact her whenever our childhood memories comes flooding in, like right now. The last time I checked, she is doing well for herself and got a good job in the Uk. Hopefully, we can reunite soon, because she was the best friend I ever had.

This post is in response to the hive learners weekly contest week 63, edition 1.

Thank you for visiting my blog.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 157 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

 last year  

Adult life can be so stressful at times we wish we could be children for long, haha, no bills to pay, no responsibilities, no stress, etc.

Oh, the memories of childhood... Sometimes I wish I could travel back in time and recapture those carefree years. But then again, without adulting, how would we ever appreciate the simple joys of life, like paying taxes and doing laundry, right?

 last year  

Haha, now this is funny😂😂
To find joy in paying taxes and laundry.

Adult life is cool in a way though.

 last year  

Wow, sometimes life doesn't work the way we plan it, so sorry your friend didn't get that admission, I aslo had a best friend but we were separated due to situations and up to now, I've not found any friend like him
Nice peace of work dear

 last year  

Thanks @chidistickz she actually did get the admission, it just took time.

So sorry about the friend you lose too, hopefully in the future, you guys can reunite.

 last year  

Awwn, at least she's doing well for herself now, I now wonder what people feel ashamed if they haven't gotten admission ?

 last year  

Haha was just a childish thinking, I'm glad she's okay now, thanks for stopping by sis.

 last year  

Yeah, glad she is

 last year  

Life can be so unpredictable, but we have got to keep moving, which involves letting some things go

 last year  

Wow. As they say, everything happens for a reason.
It was all fate's doing that you guys couldn't go to the same university. She must have felt so sad seeing you go while she was still stuck at home.
I hope you guys get together to catch up soon.

 last year  

Thanks @stellageorge I felt bad too, yea, hopefully soon.

Thanks for coming around sis.

 last year  

You're welcome. 🤗

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