Focus on your growth, Comparison isn't healthy

in Hive Learners10 months ago

As humans, we are bound to face down moments, no thanks to our emotions which tend to take the better part of us sometimes, it is important that we learn to take control of our emotions and not let them control us. We need to practice self-awareness and find ways to manage our emotions. Instead of letting negative feelings overwhelm us, we should strive to find peace within ourselves.

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One of those negative emotions is inferiority complex, which can be described as a feeling of low self-esteem, worthlessness, and the belief that one is not as capable or competent as others. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues. As an adult, I never let anything or anyone make me feel less of myself, as life has taught me that no two individuals are the same, and the person you feel inferior to might even be admiring the life you have, wishing to be like you. but children are most likely to feel inferior to their peers, probably due to not having what the other has, it will interest you to know that some parents are fond of comparing their children to other children, and this is the very beginning of how some children lost confidence in themselves into adulthood.

Have I ever felt inferior to my peers?

Sadly, yes I have, as a young teenage girl, my peers were already fully showing signs of puberty, getting curvier in the right corners, while I was just as plain as a plank as some even referred to me, it began to get to me when the girls sat down to discuss about the different bra sizes gotten for them by their mum, I didn't have any experience to chip in so I felt low, and suddenly started withdrawing from my peers, even though I was one of the brightest students, It didn't matter to me, the fact that my peers looked more womanly made me think they were more beautiful than me.

overcoming Inferiority complex

One day, I decided to start putting on my mum's bra, my mum didn't notice the first day, even though my bust felt visible due to the push-up bra, it didn't restore my confidence, I felt like a fraud, and still tried to cover up with my school back, to make it worst, the damn bra was so uncomfortable, I only wanted to brag to my girlfriend that I too had started wearing a bra, but when they saw the size I wore, they were astonished how I grew such big size over night, I didn't feel like putting on the bra the second day but had to keep up the look, and that was when my mum saw me, she laughed at first and asked why I suddenly started wearing her brazziers, I explained to her how I felt comparing myself to others, she took her time to explain to me why I didnt need to compare myself to any one, that she was also a late bloomer like myself, all I needed that moment was to concenterate on my studies when the time comes, I would bloom.

That talk with my mum made my day, my confidence was restored, all that mattered was that I was doing well in my studies, and true to my mum's word when I bloomed, it didn't even matter anymore, so I just allow the feeling of inferiority complex take control of me for nothing. This also applies to every other aspect of life, we all have our time, and comparison is not healthy We should focus on our own growth and development and stop comparing ourselves to others. We should be proud of our own efforts and celebrate our own successes. This will help us build our self-esteem and confidence.

This post is in response to the hive learners weekly contest, week 73, edition 1.

Thank you for visiting my blog.❤❤


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 166 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 166 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@pixresteemer(5/5) tipped @glorydee

 10 months ago  

lol, I was just laughing while reading your article 😂😂, it's your nature and there's nothing you can do about it..
The best thing is just to accept yourself the way you are.. Thank God for your mum that helped you to gain your confidence..

 10 months ago  

Yes o, thinking about it now 🤭 it's so funny the things we did while growing up.

Ohh my God thanks so much @glorydee,i was kind of hungry before but with this my hunger was restored. I need not to eat today again this is okay for me. We should never compare ourselves with others because that is when we start losing confidence in ourselves. Happiness cannot be found unless we stop comparing ourselves with others. It is one of those battles we cannot win. This is what our generation have been suffering from, infact a lot of people needs diagnosed. We keep hearing alot of people going into depression,suicide here and there. I pray this post go far is an answer to some peoples prayer.

Less I forgot I went on 10 minute laugher before I replied the story you shared was so funny. Please baby thanks so much.

 10 months ago  

Ha! Please still eat o 😂

Comparison has never and will never be healthy for any individual, imagine the results you just listed suicide for what? Just because they feel someone is higher than them, so what, I just hope everyone realizes that life is not a race, we all have our own time.

I'm glad I was able to make you laugh, thanks for coming around, stay blessed.

Ha! Please still eat o 😂

Okay,I'll only eat because you said I should eat. Yeah,you're most welcome

 10 months ago (edited) 

One day, I decided to start putting on my mum's bra, my mum didn't notice the first day, even though my bust felt visible due to the push-up bra, it didn't restore my confidence,

I can understand how this competition used to be among girls, I grew up with 3 big sisters, they can be so annoying.

But I love the fact that you gained your confidence, inferiority complex happens to both gender, I was once a victim but thanks to God it's now a story and experience.

Thanks to your mum though, that's why it's good to have someone to speak with in times of trouble, every inferiority is not about money, some people needs good words

Right on the mark @glorydee and crazy true. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. If you do feel inferior it's because you let them get to you.

It's lovely your mum came through for you.

Quick question dear... What was your classmate's reaction when you showed up without the magical boobs?

Right on the mark @glorydee and crazy true. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. If you do feel inferior it's because you let them get to you.

It's lovely your mum came through for you.

Quick question dear... What was your classmate's reaction when you showed up without the magical boobs?

 10 months ago  

@glorydee your post is funny. You got inferiority complex during your puberty on bra size 😂. These are private things, you should learn first before something wrong happened. It was funny when people were thinking how fast she had grown her parts fitted for such a big size bra.
Thank God, you take control over your inferiority complex, have a good day.