Kids Can Be So Smart

in Hive Learners20 days ago

A blessed week to all of you dear friends

Children are such much a blessing to every home they are found, there are no bad child rather we have careless parents. Children pick the wrong things from the environment, during my days in post graduate school one of my lecturers taught us that the child's mind is so plain so what is planted there is what grows. She went further to say that it is the adults in the environment that influences the behaviour of the child, the adults in the environment goes a long way to corrupt the child or build the child in the correct way.

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All these I saw when I gave birth, as a mother I have observed my kids growing from innosency. When they discuss a times I just behave as if am not with them and smile down within because I get observe how they communicate with each other, a times they go as far as mimicking me or their father. Sometimes when they act you feel as if they were sent by someone to act in that particular way.

I washed this little girl conversing with the mother and I was like WOW! what a smart child. This little girl was give some money by the uncle that's the mothers brother now, so she handed the money over to the mother who told her not to tell the father that they something of such happened. The mother added that as there is no food at home she should just be patient for the father to return from work before they can get something to cook. The little girl asked the mother to buy somethings for the family with the money and she said no that it is the father's responsibility to feed the family. This little girl said no and added that the teacher told them in school that it is not just the father's responsibility to provide for the family, that it a collective responsibility of both the man and the woman. The girl was not happy with all that then the mother told her to never tell the father of the money.

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Shortly the father returned and she welcomed her after that you know kids don't forget promises, she asked the father told her that he wasn't able to buy it as promised since yesterday because he don't have the funds to do that and promised the girl to do so the next day. The father then requested for something to eat, the woman furiously asked the father if he kept anything before he left? The man felt so bad, at that instance this little girl went and brought the money and gave it to the father who was so surprised, and was like, baby you have this money and you couldn't prepare anything for the family? He began to cry, imagine what will make a man to cry aloud. He added that he has been on Blood Pressure medication because of the stress from the home, his business is not working and she couldn't just do anything to save the situation down to that evening.

This little girls action left me with this lessons

  • It is a collective responsibility of both the man and the woman to make sure things work well in the home.
  • Give your children proper training and make sure to show them good example because that will stand out in trying times.
  • We should do well to listen to details from our kids because they also speak wisdom.
  • Women should not be the reason their husband is down in health because of they are no more you will still bring the money to care for the kids so why not ease the stress for him so you both can grow together
  • Tough times don't just last but tough people do.
    I hope you learnt something from my shout story today?

My entry to the hive learners contest week #114 and the first edition.

Thank You for visiting my blog

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I agree.

 20 days ago  

No long thing.... hahahaha

 20 days ago  

So sad what people do to those they claim to be in love with sometimes. Luckily for the bad wife, she has a good daughter whom I hope does not go on to become like her.

 20 days ago  

Seriously, I love that little girl.

 20 days ago  

That knowledge about family that the small girl has was gotten from somewhere. Kids are as smart as what they learn, hear, see or taught.

 20 days ago  

She actually learnt from school. Thanks for stopping by

 20 days ago  

You are welcome.

 20 days ago  

wise one. I really appreciate the kid wisdom and smartness. Indeed tough times doesn’t last but tough people do.

 20 days ago  

That's so true man...the kid is smart

Kids are actually very smart. I remember when staying with my aunt baby, some things I understand estimate him from doing, and I saw him doing it every single time

 20 days ago  

Kids of these days are so fast in many things