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RE: The risk involve in lending money to people

in Hive Learners2 months ago

I used to be the Queen of lending money before, whenever my friends were in a fix they’d run to me and I’d give them. My philosophy back then was “I can’t have this spare money in the bank and my friend suffers”, that all changed when a friend of mine showed me shege.

Right now you can come to me with all the problems of this world, I’d just gift you a certain amount of money to help your situation but you’d never see me lend you any money. It’s not me wicked people will carry and play.

Thanks for sharing this.

 2 months ago  

lol, this is it. many are willing to lend others money but because of past experience, they don't anymore..

you did the right thing, I am also learning not to do it anymore exceptfor few and if those few fumbled too, i will just stop ittotally.