The Smartest Kid I Knew: A Story of Childhood Brilliance

in Hive Learners25 days ago

Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

Nowadays in present time the kids are extraordinary in everything they do and the sheer intelligence they've is something that can outsmart any adult.

I believe when kids are born and grow up in an environment where they involve in different activities and solve problems or see adults fixing some stuff at home and so it all helps sharp their minds.

But there's a dark side In our side of the world our people parenting is so typical like if a child is doing childish things so they'll stop or even punish sometimes labeling it as we're teaching kids and literally these kind of acts takes that confidence away from the child.

The Smartest Kid in the Town

In every town or neighbourhood there's always that one smart kid who'll be extraordinary in everything compared to others and the child that respect in the town.

Back in the childhood days this one kid used to be my friend who we used to call einstein because of his sheer intelligence and a nerd ahead of our time.

Image by Barbara A Lane from Pixabay

He was such a good inventor like everything related to tech that's damaged he gonna turn that thing into something else.

Breaking gadgets like toy cars and other things to make something else. He was that one cool guy in our town who used to come out of his home rarely to play with anyone.

His hobby was creating and solving problems all the time and I used to tell him you're going to places when you grow up.

He didn't have his own home but was a tenant like us and on the roof there was this side corner where he had his inventory.

Image by Elchinator from Pixabay

I remember everytime when someone had a thing that needs to be repaired everyone used to give him to fix and if someone gave money for the fix than that money is going to be spent on more tools and parts.

he was in the same grade as I was

We were both in 7th grade back then but different schools.. he used to live next to my home. So, our roof was connected and I used to just jump over his place and spend time helping whatever he was onto.

Image by rubylia from Pixabay

He was the first guy who bought a rubic cube in that neighbourhood and than other kids did bought one for themselves as well but that guy was first one to solve it and talking about the time when we had no idea what is YouTube.

Wrapping up...

The saddest part of this story is both of us friend moved from that place like I said we were both tenants and it's been years now. I have no idea what he's doing now but I believe he's doing what he's best at since he was a child.

Anyway, I wish we all have such intelligent and sharp minds that help us deal with every situations.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 13/05/2024.

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 25 days ago  

We always seem to meet people who are naturally talented. This guy sounds like a real problem solver to me. Sadly, not most people are able to put their talents to good use. I hope he’s flourishing wherever he is.

 24 days ago  

yea, hopefully he's flouring and still doing good to the people!

 24 days ago  

I hope so.

 25 days ago  

Really, first to acquire cubic in that community? This story is quite impressive about that smart kid. I believe he will be doing great wherever he is now, especially with the support of his parents

 24 days ago  

haha yeah, his parents were supportive back then and hope so he's doing great.


 25 days ago  

That's very impressive.
Sometimes nature bestows great gift/talent on some people and it's amazing when they use these gifts well.

 25 days ago  

indeed, they're so lucky!


 25 days ago  

I find it interesting that this child is nicknamed that way and is remembered for being the first in the community to acquire a cube. We must continue to take care of all children, but especially them. Regards @idksamad78699

 25 days ago  

yea, such kids definitely going places and hopefully these kind of people get recognition as they deserve.. mostly don't get the chance.


 25 days ago  

That was impressive. There are some kids that wouldn't stop wowing and shocking us with their intelligence and they are everywhere. One would want to have them around because of amazing things they perform and attributes in them.

 25 days ago  

exactly, they're everywhere but don't get spotlight like on national level.. indeed, it's better to have them around and learn one or two things.


 25 days ago  

There are kids with special abilities and it's always amazing seeing them being different from other children

 25 days ago  




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Amazing. Spending time with such kind of kids is mentally simulating, their sharp mind is able to connect dots that are not readily apparent to the eye. I hope you cross paths gain and get to know what he's been up to :)

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 24 days ago  

I am curious to know what he is doing at the current time. I believe he must be doing something good as he is a skillful one. I hope someday you will be able to contact him.

 24 days ago  

Same, hope so he's doing much better now!

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