Weekend Memes Musing: From Bad Haircuts to Late-Night Kitchen Heists

in Hive Learners14 days ago

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Today I thought to make a plan to go out on this Sunday and explore the city but when i went outside for the 5 minutes, i was already burning in hot.

The weather here is just on another level now, drinking more and more water to stay hydrated and surviving hours of long loadshedding in this heat isn't easy.

Anyways while waiting for summer to end, this weekend I made some of new memes to brighten your day and I'm sure these will be relatable one's.

Woke up early but the wrong day

Today I woke up at like 7am even though I went to sleep after 2am and that's something happen rarely.

Despite of the fact today is Sunday I still felt like this

after waking up on time but since the evening i just slept the entire day. Waking up on time when it's working days is impossible thing but on weekends you somehow wake up early.

Late night quest

This one thing is constant every single night because of staying up till late night i end up at kitchen like a thief doing some robbery

Since days are long you gotta eat late night or else there's no way you're going to fall asleep.

But the worse part is when there's nothing in the fridge to eat.

When you get a new haircut

Never go to a barber shop just because it looks good from outside, I prefer a place that doesn't claim to be best in the town and looks simple.

Mostly haircut from a so called good shop turns out disaster

But there's something special about mirror in the home. Like the moment you look yourself in the mirror at night you'll eventually look good.

The cool boy era

Nowadays GenZ kids have no idea back in the days we used to drink juice and pretend that we're getting high and drunk

A simple juice without acting drink wasn't as good as the one we drink and act drunk. It's just a whole different vibe.

it's about last exam

It's like every time when giving exam there's this one question asking you define corruption and the way you start talking good about the country like they're fighting corruption

Meanwhile in reality government is the corrupt and all.. sometimes to get good marks, you have to act and write against your own will just to give them what they want to hear from us.

Wrapping Up...

In the end I'm still stuck at giving exams and just two more weeks left now. I hope you found these memes relatable and you're having a wonderful Sunday with the loved one's.

I'm quite curious how summer is treating you guys. So feel free to share about it in the comments and also which one of this meme is your favourite one. Don't forget ot share with friends.

memes created using meme generator.


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Thanks for reading.

All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 19/05/2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 14 days ago  

waking up at 6'O clock in the mornings is really like war with your own selves but on Sundays this miracle doesn't take time to happen 😂

 13 days ago  

haha exactly !LOL

Simple or Mineral water can't help you on being hydrated, you should use O.R.S, or Milk with Salt (کچی لسی)... This will keep you hydrated...
Just an opinion 💫

 14 days ago  

yeah, that helps definitely or maybe go with the lassi!


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