All changes cannot be accepted

in Hive Learners26 days ago

Change is the nature of life, and from time to time, people change. Sometimes it's hard to accept the change for us, but there is nothing we can do by resisting it. For that reason, we can clearly see the difference between the two generations, especially in the case of thoughts and mindset. It's true that in the past, people weren't so updated, and they also had many wrong beliefs, which made them narrow-minded, but that doesn't mean they were wrong in every case. All the operator generation is very scientific and has a broad mind to accept the change, but they are not right all the time.

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In the past time, it was very difficult to know different cultures. But now, with the help of technology, knowing different cultures has become so easy, and getting influenced by or having positive thoughts about different cultures is very natural. If my child tries to adapt to a new culture that is different from my culture, that is acceptable to me as I have a broad mind to accept the change, but if my child tries to adopt a bad culture, I will stop him because, in that case, he may adopt it just to take advantage of the culture for his selfish desire, and I won't allow it whatever it costs me.

In the case of thoughts, generation-to-generation differences are inevitable. No one can stop it. It happened in the past, and it will happen in the future as well. And I am flexible about it because the new generation will make a fresh start, and there will be something new and different from the last generation. I see no point in resisting my future generation for it. In fact, I would love to guide them based on my experience and how to bring about a positive change in their lifestyle. I know many parents don't want to accept the change, but it's not a good thing because they can't stop it even if they resist it.

Let's talk about religion. It's the most sensitive issue, and no parent wants to see their child change religion. That kind of action hurts a lot, and it's not easy to bear. Additionally, various kinds of societal pressure also exist in this case. If my child decides to change religion, then at first time I may not be able to accept it. It will give me the feeling that it's my fault because I wasn't able to give him enough knowledge about the religion. At first time, there is a high possibility of a clash for it. I will try to explain as much as I can not to do it. But I understand that it won't work most of the time, and in the end, I may decide to separate him from me. If he can decide about the change, then he must carry the responsibility and face the consequences of it. I won't be an obstacle to his decisions, but I can't allow him to stay in my home either, because in that case, various kinds of clashes will occur from time to time, and others may get negatively influenced by it also. So I won't dare to take the risk. For peace, separation is the best way. I will try to support him if he faces any danger because, as a father, I may not stop myself from helping after seeing my child in danger.

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 26 days ago  

My immediate elder brother relocated to another city and changed religion. I tell you, it brought so much concern to my mum and my family at large. My mum tried all she could to bring him back to our family religion but he insisted till date. He is the only one that has different religion in my family. As much as we didn't like his actions, we couldn't stop or control an adult like him. Mum only told him her mind and let him be.

As parents, is not every change we can accept in a child but sometimes, it's hard to control an adult. This is why early knowledge about many things and deeper communication with our children is important, above all, constantly praying for them to live responsibly

 25 days ago  

Changing religion is a sensitive matter and it's very difficult to bear the pain for parents. Moreover, there are various kinds of societal pressure which is also terrible. But I am sure that your parents won't hesitate to help him if he faces any trouble because it's impossible to do nothing in that situation as they are parents and the love of parents can't be beaten by anything.

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 25 days ago  

wow the religion part is tough. Luckily i dont really have one so it wouldn't be an issue for me but I can see how it would be for those that have one D:. good thing to hear that u will still be there for him but can i ask is there a reason why u have to kick him out of the house because he believes in a diff religion? I don't see why both sides can respect each others choices

 25 days ago  

can i ask is there a reason why u have to kick him out of the house because he believes in a diff religion?

Following rituals of 2 different religions in the same house has a higher chance of a conflict as I won't be able to tolerate it because the family peace will be disturbed. Technically possible but I won't be able to do it because I am human and I have emotions with my religion also and nobody can change it. So it's better to live in a separate place.

 25 days ago  

I see . well everyone is different @_@. at my grandmas house shes buddhist but my uncle (her son) is christian but its no big deal. It's all good tho if u can't tolerate. It's not easy O.O

 25 days ago  

It becomes hard to change an adult from doing what he or she wants, it is why it is important to lay the foundation from the start before they grow up. For me, when I see my children wanting to change to something else other than what I have trained them to be, if it's good, why not? They want to explore, right? But if it's a bad one which is against my culture, then, no way. They aren't changing and if they insist, not in my home as you have said. But the foundation of something is important.

 25 days ago  

Yes, we need to support them if they are trying to adopt something good and new but if it's something harmful, then it should be stopped immediately. But you are right that we need to focus on the foundation.

 25 days ago  

If every parents would have their ways, they would force their children to choose their ways everytime, but sadly everyone has the will power and decisions of their choices, so the best thing is to build the mindset and knowledge of your child to discern what is right or wrong even in your absence.

 24 days ago  

Forcing may work for a little time but it will make the bond between parents and children weak and in the future, those children will grow up and no one can stop them from making a change. Parents need to be flexible in case of positive change.

 25 days ago  

Change is part of life, this is a path that we and our children will have to follow, accepting their differences and helping on this journey

 24 days ago  

Yes, change is natural and we need to accept it and help our future generation till it's good. If we resist, then it will bring negative consequences.

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