Data should be private but monitoring is also important

in Hive Learnerslast month

We are living in a digital world, and in this digital world, thinking about living life without technological devices is nearly impossible. Maybe some adults can think about it, but in the case of the younger generation, it's not possible because they are not used to living without technological devices.

Do you know what the most precious thing in this digital world is? It's the data. Yes, you heard it right. Data is the most precious and valuable thing in this digital world, and by using it, one can make a lot of money. Unfortunately, in this digital world, securing our data is the most difficult task because everywhere there are traps to steal our data, or unintentionally, we are giving them permission to steal our data. I am giving the example of one popular social media to make it understandable, and I am choosing Facebook as an example.

Suppose you are talking about pizza with your family members, and they share your interest in ordering one, which is very natural. After a while, there will be a huge possibility that the Facebook company will show you ads related to pizza where you can buy. For many people, that kind of incident has already happened. What does it mean? It means the application is also storing the data of your offline activities. This is the thing that is alarming. It's hard to say there is any privacy if you have a smartphone in your hand.

If you see the Facebook videos, then you will understand that all the videos come in front of you based on your interest, and they're naturally additive. Does it mean Facebook has the capability to understand your psychology? It means it has the power to manipulate you to do various kinds of actions in the future, which can be dangerous. And it's possible because they have your data.

Did you notice that on Facebook there is a feature which is known as off-Facebook activity? You can find it in the settings. Do you know what it is? It's the feature where Facebook can observe our activity, which means visiting some websites and some applications that share their data with Facebook. I think it's not a good thing, and it's related to finance. And I believe nobody wants to share anything like that on Facebook, but unfortunately, that feature remains on by default based on my past observations. It also indicates that the data every application receives from us is sold to others. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other applications are selling our data for their own benefit.

So our data is not secure in most cases, and I believe that everybody wants to keep their data private unless we share our data intentionally. Moreover, it's a kind of threat because we don't know how data will be used. Our government is also accessing our data, and it can be good and bad at the same time.

The bad thing is that someone is getting the power to watch us and control us indirectly. It's the thing nobody wants. But at the same time, it's very necessary for the security purposes of a country. I think it's very helpful from the perspective of security. Even if I think the government should not monitor our data, monitoring data is very important; otherwise, it can increase the risk of security issues in a country, which will not be good for us.


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 last month  

It is a fact that privacy plays an important role in our lives. If we share our private things with someone, they may one day disturb us a lot. They have our data and they are also misusing it.

 last month  

Yes. If anyone get our data they can easily misuse it if they want. That's why data security is very important. Sorry for the late reply .

 last month  

No problem.

 last month  


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It's so true, personal data is so precious in our digital world. But it's very hard to get some people to understand that.

If we say that data is mainly used for advertising targeting, they don't care. And if we say that data is also potentially used for more malicious uses like psychological manipulation or surveillance without consent, they don't see how they can be manipulated, so they don't care either.

In short, there's a lot of awareness-raising to be done.

I think this video might interest you. It's in French, but you should be able to use the English subtitles: