Drinking water is limited, Be wise in case of drinking water

in Hive Learners2 months ago

“Water, water, everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink.”

― Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Water is another name of life. Without water, it's impossible to think about life. Do you know what made the earth survivable for creatures and plants? It's the water. If on any planet there is water, then there is also the possibility of life. Till now, based on my knowledge, Earth is the only planet where exists water, and because of that, all the remaining planets have no existence of life.

Water is very important for us, and it's known to all. We also know that approximately 71% of the surface area of Earth is occupied by water, and the remaining 29 percent is land, and we are living on 29% of that land area. So in the case of water, there is no shortage of water on this earth. But do you think all the water is drinkable? The answer is "no".

Approximately, more than 97% of the water is saltwater, and less than 3% of the water is freshwater. We can't drink saltwater, so 97% of the water is not drinkable, and only a small percentage of the water considered drinkable. It is unfortunate that we are polluting the little percentage of water which we can drink, and it's an alarming situation for us.

In our daily life we need clean water. The best way is to store rainwater. In my village, there is a pond that is fed by rain, and it conserves clean water, which we get without any effort. The water in the pond can be drank after purifying, but we only use it for other daily uses except drinking.

For drinking water, we have a deep tube well. Through deep tube wells, we can get clean water from the underground, and underground water is naturally purified. So we directly drink the groundwater, and it is considered safe. The bad thing is that the excess use of groundwater is depleting the layers of groundwater, and it will create a crisis situation for us. As a result, the groundwater also started to pollute, although people still consider it safe. The groundwater is not as clear as it was in the past, and it can be seen if we see the color of the water. In recent time, one of my friends has done research on groundwater, and he also figured out that groundwater can't be said to be 100% clean water.

Current I am living in town, and in town we have no tube well, but with the help of a motor pump. There is a big tank where the building owner stores water, and after that, we can get water from there. It's not drinkable, in my opinion, as the tank does not remain clean all the time, but many people directly drink the water. In my family, we don't take the risk. So we collected the water and then boiled it. We add Alum or Phitkari when boiling is done, and it's very helpful to purify water. After that, we store the water for drinking, and it's safe drinking water.

There are also some water purifiers that can purify water directly. To be honest, I have doubts about water purifiers, so I and my family don't use them. But many families use water purifiers because they believe they're effective.

As I said, water is getting polluted, and the situation is alarming. Layer depilation of groundwater is also occurring. The best way to reduce pressure on groundwater is by reducing the use of groundwater. For that, we can recycle the water and reuse it after purifying it. In my country, the government already has a plan for it, and within a few years, the dependency on groundwater will be reduced a lot. Another thing we can do is not throw plastic or polyethylene here and there because those things don't degrade in a short time. As a result, it acts as a layer and blocks the surface water from going deeper to purify. Our various kinds of actions are increasing water pollution, and we should try to reduce it or find alternatives.


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 2 months ago  

Indeed water is life! I always feel alive whenever water touches me because of the power it has. Indeed there are hardly clean water these days but there are simple ways to get them cleaned and you've mentioned the two I know of which is boiling and adding alum.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us 🥰

 2 months ago  

In this earth there is no sort as of water but I am saying that in the future there will be shortage of drinking water. To reuse the water, water chlorination can be done and it should be done by government or organization because it make the water drinkable again but the amount of chlorine should be add concerning human health.

 2 months ago  

Yeah water chlorination is key and that’s why it’s good to place the water under the sun as chlorine is formed automatically or should I say naturally, hehe

 2 months ago  

Sorry sorry, I didn't get your point. How chlorine can be formed in water unless we mix it manually in water?

 2 months ago  

Do you know that under UV light chlorine is formed?

 2 months ago  

Yes, I know about it but for that chlorine-based compounds should exist in the water. In water, there exists a low amount of chlorine-based compounds and it can't fully purify water.

 2 months ago  

A lot of methods don’t completely purify water but they help

 2 months ago  

You've spoken well on this subject matter and I can't help but agree with you on the importance of water to our world and wellbeing.

One need to be very careful when taking water because most are polluted from toxic chemicals and our back act of throwing waste.

But like you said recycling water and some purifier is the best way to go, you're lucky your government is also working on this.

 2 months ago  

Water chlorination makes the used water or freshwater from others sources(like River or lake) drinkable and in the current time WASA is working on it in my country.
Sooner or later other countries will go for it for sustainable management of water. 🙂

 2 months ago  

Good thing the water here in HK is safe.. but, we still boil it before drinking just to make sure..
Then I can drink unlimited water..
But in the Philippines, we only drink mineral water cause water from the faucet isn't safe at all.. water dams are polluted, lol..

 2 months ago  

Boiling water considered safe most of the time because I think we shouldn't take any risk. Water treatment should be done in time otherwise in the future it will be too late.


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 2 months ago  

How can you reduce the use of groundwater when basically all types of water comes from the ground? It seems like a very big challenge. Indeed the other water is getting polluted. We have poor water here and we do not also use purifiers although I have no reservations about them, I just haven't found any that has worked.

 2 months ago  

How can you reduce the use of groundwater

It's not so difficult also. We just need to recycle the water that we already used. I think the government can take a huge step for it. The government can take steps to chlorinate the water and make the water of rivers and lakes useable for humans. We are living in 2024 and it's very much a possible thing. In my country, that kind of step has already been taken by the government and it will be widely used in my country within some years.

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