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RE: Easier Said than Done

in Hive Learners5 months ago

After breakup, facing the situation is not so easy. I wasn't in a relationship anytime but I saw many friends and guided them for the betterment. At the end I was successful but I know that all of them tried many times to connect with their ex lovers. May be they became department 🤔. I think if someone truly loved then, it's normal. It's not easy to overcome.

 5 months ago  

Of course, you are right. One who overcomes this will be a very courageous person

 5 months ago  

After breakup, facing the situation is not so easy. I wasn't in a relationship anytime but I saw many friends and guided them for the betterment. At the end I was successful but I know that all of them tried many times to connect with their ex lovers. May be they became dependent 🤔. I think if someone truly loved then, it's normal. It's not easy to overcome.

 5 months ago  

Trust me when I say trying to stay away from someone you love isn't an easy task. I pray you never experience that when you do fall in love 😅