Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere

in Hive Learners28 days ago

"There is no other magic in life than education...Read, read, and read again. He who fails to prepare prepares to fail...What you take in is what you give out. What you study is what you become...What you study is what will decide your career, it's what will decide who you will become. Study hard and make something of yourself Jayden"
These were the words of his father proselytized to him, time and again. His mother died giving birth to him, luckily, she was up the social ladder before she died, making it possible for himself and his father to live a pretty okay life, with his father's little salary thrown in the mix of her various insurance. Why she had insurance for childbirth, Jayden would never know, but honestly, he was thankful she did, he didn't lack much growing up.

Through preschool, and middle school, and especially during high school, his father's words drone ceaselessly in his ear. Though he didn't lack much growing up, Jayden didn't have much either. His father was obsessive about him studying to land a proper career for himself. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", they say, but Jayden wasn't dull, far from it, he was full of life and energy, always waiting to erupt.

He was a science nerd, and his love for physics, biology, and chemistry was admirable, they were his forte, through middle school and high school, Jayden followed his passion with fiery focus, knowing all there was to know for his level. College awakened a whole new respect for physics, he found himself studying engineering during this time. His father's words could not be any more profound during this time, education was magic, it was the basis of all creation, a foundation for godhood!

Mechanical engineering was what he studied, aiming for a career path as a mechanical engineer, or a robotic engineer, both career paths had great potential, and they were perfect for him, his dream job. After five years of study, giving it his all, he graduated from college as one of the best in his course of study. Jayden received his degree, and his future was bright for certain, after all, he had followed his father's words like law, and he was certain of success should he begin his career, but first, certainly, he should aim for more, and that's exactly what he did.

Jayden furthered his study, aiming to have first, a master's degree and then grab himself a PhD as well, but before he could go through with that, his dad died. He had to put his education on a temporary hiatus to bury him. He never knew his mother, his dad was all he had and because of his overly studious lifestyle, Jayden hadn't bothered tending his social life. He had no friends.

His father's death was a heavy blow. Jayden could not concentrate during classes, all he saw every waking moment was his father drawing his last breath whilst he watched on, unable to do anything as his father kicked the bucket. The only consolation he had was that his old man died with a peaceful smile on his face, the most serene look he had ever seen on him during the three decades, and some that he was conscious of himself and the world.

"Study for your career. It's a simple equation", those were the last words of his father, even dying, his words rung, and when dead, his words echoed like an old gong.

After 6 months of mopping about and grieving, Jayden pulled himself together and gave himself a goal, he would reach the top of his profession. Earn his Masters, then his PhD, forward his studies, get himself a Postdoc and publish books based on what he had learned, understood, and internalized on mechanical engineering. This way he would earn himself a seat as an Assistant Professor. He wasn't going to stop there, no, Jayden aimed for the top, and he would become a Professor of his domain.

He achieved his dream, his father hadn't lied. As he sat in his office reminiscing, holding an old photo of himself and his father, Micheal, Jayden smiled to himself, certain that Micheal O'Brien would be pleased and proud of the man his son Jayden O'Brien had become, he was sure of it.

His phone rang, bringing him out of his reverie, he picked it up after seeing the caller, and his smile came naturally.

"Professor Jayden, it's time for your talk show"

If only his father could see him robed in that professional outfit amongst men of valor, he knew that there would be only 2 words on his lips, "See? Taking your study seriously to build a career is priceless. I'm proud of you Jayden O'Brien"
He would give anything to hear those words now.

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