Prominent Authors Of Hive Learners [Week 20]

in Hive Learners28 days ago

Good day everyone! This is going to be 20th week of the Hive Learners Prominent Author Of The Week campaign.

So What is The Prominent Author of The Week About?

The aim of the Prominent Author of the Week is to reward five great contents of authors shared from our weekly prompts in the community. This way, we get to encourage authors to be more active and try to be the best they can be in their content creation.


How Would The Initiative Run?

  • 5 Posts/Authors would be selected from the weekly prompts (including creative sunday posts) every week
  • Every Thursday night, we would be sharing announcements for the five winning authors
  • All five selected authors would be rewarded with 1 Hive each


Corporations aren't your friends

This author, @terganftp talks about having to eat at fast food restaurants and how it is much more economical and healthier to have home made meals instead. The author goes further to give us a complete breakdown of his points in this post, making it very easy for everyone to understand his point of view.



This author, @hopestylist talks about a child's responsibility to their parents when they've come of age. The author looked at this topic from multiple angles, making sure to properly understand every part of it carefully. One of the things she talked about is training a child in the right ways because at the end of the day, that is what it boils down to, a child's home training.


Intelligent children - Where to find them?|| Niños inteligentes. ¿Dónde encontrarlos?

This author, @aaalviarez talks about intelligence in a child and how being brilliant in school and being smart outside of school work by having things like good social skills are not the same thing. He tells us a story of one time where a child's intelligence had impressed him a lot.


Come with me on a taste journey with - Chili Garlic Tofu..

This author, @its.jyoti shows us how to make Chili Garlic Tofu. According to the author, she wanted to try something new and seeing how she and her family are all vegetarians, they decided to go with Tofu, which also is widely used in Asia.


My Scholarship Urge and Meme World

This author, @aslamrer makes memes talking about school scholarships and how it's his dream to leave his country to go study abroad like his father, although others might not really agree with him.


Here are the five highlighted posts of winning authors:-

Congratulations to all of the winners and the reward would be distributed soon.


Thank You

 27 days ago  

I'm happy to be selected as Prominent Author of the Week. Congratulations to @terganftp @hopestylist @aaalviarez @its.jyoti for winning this title as well.

 28 days ago  

Thanks for the recognition. Always appreciated. Good job to the others mentioned here also :)

 27 days ago (edited) 

I am happy for this selection. It was an important topic and I enjoyed writing about it and remembering that dear little girl. Regards

 27 days ago  

You need to edit your comment to remove kronias tag because it is not allowed by HL Team. Congratulations 👏🎉

 27 days ago  

Thank you so much

 27 days ago  

Congratulations to all the prominent authors of the week. Good to see some familiar name here.

 27 days ago  

Thank you so much for finding me worth as part of the top five prominent writers 🥹🙏. Congratulations to everyone keeping the community a go to place for quality contents 🥰

 27 days ago  

Congratulations to the winners. Well done guys 💪