Fast foods or Home cooked meals, which do you prefer?

in Hive Learnerslast month

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Back then when I was a kid, I always craved for fast food particularly chicken joy and yum burger at Jollibee. The delectable aroma that lingered my nostrils every time my mother and I passed by. Yet, the sad part is my Mother couldn't afford to buy me a meal. I even thought it was so expensive, not until I started working.

In previous years, I would love to drop by several fast food chains. It was like healing and satisfying my inner child. The crunchiness of fried chicken, meaty spaghetti taste so good! The husband and I even dated a lot in Jollibee, lol.

Thus, after years, it started to taste bland . Not only that, I became aware of how nutritious the meals I had back then at home. Realizations during the adult stage.

Do you cook your food yourself? Or do you patronize fast food? If you had a jam-packed work schedule, and you could easily afford it, would you also patronize fast foods on a regular basis? Or will you still make out time to cook your meals? What's the one thing that makes you rely more on home-cooked meals?

For this Weekly Featured by Hive learners, let me share my thoughts.

Since I moved to Manila back then, I always prefer to cook my food for lunch at work. Why? It was cheaper and at the same time I am sure that it is clean and healthy. My work started at eight in the morning, so I would get up in bed at five.

However, there are instances that I felt drained and had no more energy to wake up early. This usually happened during my pregnancy. Instead of getting up, I spend more time on the bed.

At this time, I had no choice but to buy lunch at the nearest fast food chain, Jollibee. Since I don't like eating Chicken joy now, 🤣I opted for burger steak, paired with coke float and burger! Yes, I know it was a lot but for a pregnant lady? It was not.

Thus, one of the fast food here that somehow I am still patronizing is Mang Insal.


Grilled chicken, that I love if it's spicy, dip in a mix sauce Filipino style, a hot soup, Halo-halo for dessert and unlimited rice if you want.


Plates were color coded, white for one cup of rice and green if you paid for unlimited. There were a lot of customers that day and I even waited more than thirty minutes before my order was served. Spicy chicken was not even available.


The soup, it taste sour like Sinigang.


The sauce, a mixture of soy sauce, Philippine lime and crushed with siling labuyo (chili).


My plate as I am almost done eating.


Just in time as the dessert was served, the Halo-halo.

These are just random days, and photos back then I was staying in Manila. Yes, I prefer home cooked meals yet there are still times I would not 🤣.

Now, after a week of staying at home in the province, I had a lot of time preparing for my food. Depending on what my taste buds were caving.


It could be fish with a lot of tomatoes but cooked in vinegar (paksiw).


Might want fish with a lot of moringa, as my in-laws said I should start adding this on the menu to ensure I will have a supply for breastmilk.


And for today, it's sponge gourd, misua (wheat vermicelli) with ground meat. I am not really a good cook but I am trying my best now as I need to!

Hello to all Hive learners, I am glad as I was able to join here again.

Lead image was edited using Canva
All photos are mine otherwise stated
Footer credit to Sensiblecast


Pipiliin KO pa Rin ang lutong bahay. Pag puro fast food nawawalan ako Ng ganang kumain. Ok na sakin ang once a week na fast food.

 last month  

Ako din, di niya siya masarap now 🤣

 last month  


Manually curated by from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 last month  

Thank you for the support

Homecook meals padin, the best! It's healthier! More moringa more milk hahahah

 last month  

Home cook talaga now, no choice,🤣



$PIZZA slices delivered:
lhes tipped asiaymalay
@lhes(1/5) tipped @mojtee07
lhes tipped cindee08

 29 days ago  

Thanks for the tip

 last month  

I'm also a fan of home made meals, it's the best and it's healthier. All your meals looks yummy

 29 days ago  

Right, just there are times I feel lazy to cook 😂

 29 days ago  


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