Beautiful henna designs

in Hive Learners26 days ago

Hey Guys! How are you? I hope you are enjoying summers. Its too hot days . Everyone is worried about summer. Its okay😊. This is first time participating in #creative-Sunday.I am very fond of making different design with henna.Often I make designs of henna on different hands. Today I also tried to make design of henna on the hand of my cousin who has come in our home for living with thier kids.

Material required

Mehndi (henna)

Hands of my cousin

Lets start
I take a cone mehndi and started to make design.
First I take one side hand and start making sketch of
design In which I made three box.

Then I made outline and little boxes at whole the three boxes.

After this I made the design in first finger in which are little circles and hearts ❤

I filled first box with lines and made dot's.In second boxe I made circles of different shapes.
In the third Box I again made lines in zigzag shapes so that It looks beautiful.

After completing hand design I started to make design at the third finger of Hand.In which I made a line and put thick dot's.I also made petals at the corners of boxes.

Finally one side hand was ready then I started to make design at the other hand. In which I made design in circle shape.

In the round shape I made the whole design.

After this I started to make design at the fingers.Its very easy to make design with henna.Finally I completed both hands.

I said my cousin for drying mehndi.After 5 minutes she washed the hands. The color of mehndi was very dark like mehroon shade. I like this shade.

Final look

I hope guys you will like my designs . Its very easy to make different designs with mehndi. Every girl can easily make designs in your own hands at the different occasions.Thank you guy's.I will be soon here with new work.At the last here is my mehndi design video. you must watch.Allah Hafiz! By by.

 26 days ago  

These Hina designs are really beautiful. It is reminding me of Eid days when every girl remain in hurry to color her hands with Hina designs.

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 25 days ago