Civilization: Its significance and downsides

in Hive Learners9 months ago

The world keeps advancing, a lot of things have been introduced and built with the hope of making things easy for everyone, and the majority of people are certainly enjoying the benefits of civilization. However, I was not in existence when the world was not civilized, but with what I read online and offline, I have the knowledge of how things used to be for our forefathers, so comparing it together, I will say that's civilization has brought more growth to people and the world at large in different ways.


Without a doubt, civilization has brought advancement to the world, it changed the way we view things about our cultural values. The common things we use like Phones, electricity, computers, and cars are built for human use. Though there might be a misconception that there are ways are forefathers did their things without those gadgets, I can't imagine the challenges they faced before performing a task, without a doubt, it would be tedious, but I thank God for civilization during my

During those days, They went miles with their legedis benz and foot wagon, sending information to distant friends or relatives took time, ways of learning were not easy in schools, and agriculture was difficult, just to mention few, but nowadays, We carry our task with ease and it will save our time and energy. Civilization has created a good impact on individuals and in our society.

I will always be grateful for civilization because I was able to learn new things online, I find it easy to search for anything online. As a student, whenever I am handling a project in school, I always do research online through my gadget to broaden my knowledge, and even when we are lectured in class, I can still go online for more information, that's the beauty of civilization to education, but there was nothing like that before, so it's a bonus and great privilege for this generation.

In terms of earning money online

A lot of people around the world make money online and that's their main source of income, some people create content on social media, and some people sell their products online, people earn money in different ways online and that's another I'm not excluded, I have come across different platform where I earn money online and it has been of great benefits to me, whereas in the time of our fathers, there's nothing like making money online, but thanks to civilization.

Besides the advantages of civilization, it has also brought a negative impact on our present generation. The intention of introducing civilization is to make the world a better place and for the growth of our society. I have never seen Civilization as a bad thing but we apply it wrongly sometimes. It has made the present generation to become lazy, there are some simple things we can do with our brains/hands but we make use of technology for everything. The rate of crime rate is high, a lot of scams are carried out with the use of technology, and these crimes were a result of laziness.

The present generation doesn't want to pass through stress, so they look for an illegal way to make a living. but in the olden days, when there was no civilization, people had to work hard to earn. Civilization has its negative on me too when it comes to education, imagine Using my calculator to calculate the √25, even when I know the answer, I still use the calculator, it looks funny at times 😂, the fact is that, I'm not helping my brain. I no longer have confidence in the things I know, unless I consult my calculator/online, a bad effect I must say. Those people who went to school during the time of the uncivilized world are the real genius.

Note: Civilization aims to improve the quality of life for people, but some people adopted it in the wrong way. It's always important to create something good in the civilized world and not the other way around. Despite the downsides of civilization, the advantages it provides are significant.

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 9 months ago  

Thanks ecency for stopping by.

 9 months ago  

There is no doubt in the fact that the positive impact of civilisation is tremendous due to the rate of development in every sector of the society we now witness especially in the aspect of technology. I realise eventually that the negative impact of civilisation is due to the way humans now deploy and apply their new found toys and knowledge.

As humans we always have the choice to get what we want the right way but some choose to do it the wrong way, the reason why most people blame civilisation for the increased in crime rate especially cyber fraud is that, they believe if this instruments are not available they wouldn't have a means to commit such atrocities and this advancement in the tools used to commit crimes was brought by civilisation.

The funny thing is, civilisation or not, humans will always find a means to commit crimes😅

 9 months ago  

I'm gonna hold on your last paragraph, people who are bad and lazy will always want to thief from other people when it comes to crimes. Some people are using technically 24\7 but yet, they don't make use of it in a negative Way, people have the right to choose what they want to do, but it's always important to choose what will benefit them and the society.

Thanks for your contribution, I for taking your time to read my article.

 9 months ago  

The more the years roll by the more civilized we become whether we like it or not. And no matter how we try, people will always handle civilization. Civilization is always good but like you have rightly said, people use it for the wrong purpose thereby defeating the aim.

 9 months ago  

Nothing but the truth,the world will become more civilized as days goes on, there will be an era where everything will be online, if not in this generation, the fact is that, civilization has come to stay, just like you said.
Sometimes I wish everyone can shun laziness and use of it in the right way, so as to create good impact to our society, but some people choose to use it in the wrong way to satisfy their own selfish interest.

Thanks for your contribution, it's nice having you around.

 9 months ago  

There will always be lazy people, we just have to try not to be the lazy one. No matter how we try, there is always going to be the good and bad side of something.

It's my pleasure stopping by 🥰

 9 months ago  

Civilization has really help us to improve ourselves and also makes life more easier. But the way people has misuse it is now very alarming. I just hope people will desist from evil and use this era to their advantage

 9 months ago  

Of course, the importance of civilization has brought more good than harm, just like I said, Laziness has made some people to use civilization in a negative way, me too, I hope people will desist from the bad use civilization.

Thanks for stopping by.

 9 months ago  

The pleasure is mine

 9 months ago  

Civilization brought a lot of evolutions in our life that were a dream for our forefathers. Technology has provided smart phone and internet both are bringing bread and butter for our young ones and for us. Negative impacts can be minimized by proper management. Scams and fast means of communication can be interlinked.

 9 months ago  

exactly, we can still manage to minimize the negative impact, and our rulers should take a proper measures to curb the negative use of technology, if not all, at least to an extent. So I will still choose civilization thousands times, irrespective of the downsides. I appreciate your contribution.

 9 months ago  

Thank you for your appreciation, we are in the favor of Civilization but I want to keep balance between Civilization and Nature.

 9 months ago  

Everything has advantages and disadvantages and civilization has its fair share of both. And I think it is difficult to ascertain which one supersedes the other.

 9 months ago  

That's true, They both has their advantages and disadvantages.Well, the bad sides of civilization might make some people think otherwise, but in my own view, I think civilization has played more parts in the growth of the society. Thanks for your contribution, it's nice having you around.

 9 months ago  

Yes you're right that online system in civilization help people more to get established and now world is turning a new way 😀

 9 months ago  

I will always be grateful for civilization, because it has brought more good than harm to the world. Imagine the connections we make online through civilization, but during our forefathers era, things was not like that. Thanks for stopping by.

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