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RE: The risk involve in lending money to people

in Hive Learners2 months ago

You have really highlight vital things to note before visiting loan apps. I was a victim of all you said. First I didn't even consider comparing other loan apps or asking questions, all I did was go for the one I felt is the best.

Being an app I have been getting loan from and repaying, they trusted I could pay back and I had the intention to even do so before the due date only for things to turn opposite.

When it comes to lending money to people, that one is obviously a topic on it own. If you can't lend and forget about it get ready to bear the headaches that comes with being a helper and good person.

 2 months ago  

hope you were able to pay the money before the matter escalATed.

 2 months ago  

My dear, I was but my whole self felt the heat because I worked myself out trying to seek for source of income just to get myself out of trouble.