Controlling Country Size - Government Vs Family Rights

in Hive Learners β€’ 14 days ago

I know a family of 12, 10 children and their parents and at first I thought the man married two wives because the eldest daughter was matured enough to be a second wife πŸ˜‚ I know it's kinda funny but it was more funnier when I found out one woman gave birth to all of them. I won't say they are struggling as a large family but it could have been much easier for them.

And then, I know a family with three kids and I see how well the mother is able to keep them in full check even down to how long they spend on their phones and they are very close to their mum that they talk about anything with her.

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What am I saying in essence? There are way too many advantages to having few kids to cater for, not just financially but morally, emotionally, psychologically and many other ways. The work is done better and much easier when the parents is focused on a few kids and I think every individual should be able to tell how much responsibilities he or she can carry as a parent.

Well, only a few are aware of this and make good use of it by taking up just what they can bear with. And some just birth children as if they are trying to own a factory of kids. Someone even said, his children are his investments so if his wife will keep giving birth to them, there's no problem.

It's surprising that the wealthy ones are the ones who don't give birth to many kids unlike the ones struggling on their own giving birth every year even before the other starts walking, it's really funny but it's our reality today.

This is increasing the country's population and at large, the world's population. It is God's plan that men multiply through this means but it isn't in God's plan that parents not carry out their responsibility for every child they decide to bring to this world. It's even written that they will give account for the children they bring to the world in the spiritual aspect.


So why take that risk of having so many to be responsible for? Even if you have enough wealth to give them, can you support them emotionally, psychologically and likewise? I don't even want to talk about the struggles and pain that comes with getting pregnant and giving birth to a child. I also do not want to talk about some mothers who aren't scared of their provider losing his money source or his life.

The Government do not have right over a family's decision regarding their family size is what I think but a regulation should be done, maybe create more awareness around that it is much better when they don't birth too many children. It must not be forced, just make it a necessary thing and I believe wise families will do what's best for themselves.

I want to believe that having few kids in more families in this country will reduce the crime rate and help our country have more well trained kids than wayward ones which is what we are faced with now.

It's a sad truth but we must accept it, a lot of parents have forgotten their duty to the children they bring to the world. They let loose their children and a lot of them turn into problems for the society which isn't what we pray for as we hope for a better country.

I'm of the thought that Government have no say but creating awareness and bringing to families the importance of sensible children birth is necessary.


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Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

See ehhh ths part of the world no dey hear word my sister. There are a lot of awareness here and there on family planning and lots of couples are turning deaf ears to it.

The government should just help out to prevent it in any ways they deem fit because lots of children are really suffering. I've seen thick suffering in some people's life, I mean original one for that matter o🀣🀣

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

My dear, it's even sadder that we are the ones seeing it and not the parents who put the children into such suffering.

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

Lol, that's true oooo. They are not bothered at all, that's very sad.

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

Anything more than 4, 5 gets me worried. Lesser children makes it easier for the parents to give care, attention and utilise their resources to their kids.

I think Government should intervene, create a system to educate parents on why number of children to have matters.

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

We share the same thought on this matter, too much of everything is bad, it applies to number of kids too.

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

Yeah, it does.

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

Chai! I know a family like this, it's always very annoying to me when I see them looking tatarred alongside their mother who now seems to have mental issues probably related to stress or postpartum depression, I would have said nothing concerns the government, but my dear seeing those children suffering, if government can prevent such, then so be it

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

That's true sha, if they can prevent such then it would be good but I doubt Government can carry out such rule well in this country πŸ₯²

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

Even if you have enough wealth to give them, can you support them emotionally, psychologically and likewise?

I never thought about it this way, but you're very correct...
At this point having money isn't all that matters...

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

Yeah, I know what it means to have more than financial support from parents.

Β 13 days agoΒ Β 

I am so in support of regulation of child bearing for me two or three is okay for me that i will be able to take care of them. Looking at the way things are going one need to plan very well.

Β 12 days agoΒ Β 

Yes o, very important we plan well especially with how expensive things keep getting.

Β 12 days agoΒ Β 

Yes my dear

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

I no wan hear anything. I am giving birth to 35 kids. If you like go and announce me on vanguard newsletter πŸ˜‚.

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

No problem, you have the plans for them. Go ahead but count us out when the wahala comes πŸ˜‚

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

Be playing. Not only wahala, you will see enjoyment. πŸ˜‚

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

Lol that's good then

Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

Why will someone be having 12 children 😩 it's like they want to be the next Jesus with 12 disciples. For me, 3 is the ideal number of kids to have, and that's what most rich folks also do (between 2 to 4 kids). I don't know why it's mostly those in the poor class that give birth to up to 10 children

So if you want to talk to me, talk to me direct
Don’t pass through the corners

Β 13 days agoΒ Β 

You have 10 children? 😲


Β 14 days agoΒ Β 

I think you’ve made all the best points as regarding this topic. Parents have the responsibility to decide how many children they wish to give birth to. But like you said, not all parents are oriented enough to know the importance of giving birth to just few children and that is where the government should come in.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us πŸ₯°

Β 12 days agoΒ Β 

I missed this my baby's comment o πŸ₯Ί
Well, you've said it already and we both agree on that 😊

Β 12 days agoΒ Β 

Yeah, I can understand πŸ€“

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