Homemade Food Can Be Trusted More

in Hive Learners17 days ago

From a very tender age, I have learned the need to always prepare my food. We were an average family and our style of eating was to prepare the food we eat. Aside from that it could save costs, as one would know the measure of ingredients to use while cooking such a meal.

I was to come from the home of chefs. My father was a professional chef and my mother, an expert in local cuisines. So, you can see that I am privileged. My father was the rave of the moment when it came to preparing intercontinental dishes in some five star hotels across Nigeria, Lagos to be precise. He had a stint at Eko Hotels and Tours, Sheraton and Golden Gate at Ikoyi, all in Lagos.

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Throughout the period of his active career, one thing he taught me was that there can never be a great meal like the one you made by yourself. At least, you would have an idea of the procedure and ingredients and recipes applied during the preparation.

Another thing he mentioned was that ingredients of home made food are well sources. Mostly flesh and natural while those of restaurants may be otherwise. If this is coming from a chef like my dad, then I cannot trust restaurant foods like I do trust my own made foods.

Most meals prepared outside the home are not as hygienically monitored as they ought. One of my friends who worked for one big fast-food restaurant had shared with me how they used to soak the uncooked chicken in some kind of concoction to give it an unusually good taste. That could be hazardous to the human alimentary canal, my friend.

Again, some of the chicken sold there are not mature. I can't imagine myself eating a chicken that is grown within three to four months. Though they are called high-breed that does not justify that such is good enough to eat.

For my family and I, we grow nearly everything we eat. From vegetables to tubers and even chicken.

It is not like I don't go near food that I prepared in a restaurant, I do that once in a Blue Moon. When I am tired from work stress and may not be able to enter the kitchen to prepare my meal, I would just look for a trusted restaurant to get my food.

During special events, like birthdays, anniversaries and other notable celebrations, we often go to restaurants to celebrate. Since those are rare occasions, if I have a tight schedule, what I would just resolve with my wife is to eat out or celebrate in a restaurant.


On the average, I could say that I am an addict of homemade food, possibly because of the way I was brought up.

However, not all restaurants have the vision to prepare dangerous food for their customers. What we should do is to find out how our favourite restaurant sources their ingredients.

Away from food. Do you know that some.if our fruit drinks are also badly prepared. Most of those fruit drinks or juice as you may call it are only done through flavour that tastes like a particular fruit and are sold for exorbitant prices. To have a nourishing fruit juice, one can just buy a cheap juice-extracting machine and make his juice.

This may not be very easy but it helps us know what we take into our system and how necessary it could be.

To this end, I would at any point in time recommend homemade food as we all need to live a healthy life.

This work is submitted to the #hivelearners community as the second prompt for the week #114.


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 17 days ago  

I think every one of us need to collect home cooked food and if you always eat fast food then you can bring many big problems for your body but remember one thing like your mother's hand cooking is fun to collect food from her mouth. There is a lot of gap so mother must take care of cooking and home cooking

 17 days ago  

To avoid cholesterol dominated food, lets prepare our food by ourselves.

 17 days ago  

Yes oo with homemade your stomach is safe 🤣🤣🤣 especially beans

 17 days ago  

Haha. Beans is a no go area when prepared outside the home for me too.

True most food cooked in restaurants are unhygienic and very dangerous to ones health

 17 days ago  

We just have to be careful.

Yes very careful

 17 days ago  

Homemade food is the real deal. It helps one to be conscious of what he or she eats. Being the son of a chef, I believe that your taste of food high. You would definitely not have a flair for fast food.

 17 days ago  

Thats it bro. Being the son of a chef, one becomes highly selective when food appears on the board.