Comment Reply: An Aspect of Engagement On HIVE that You Shouldn't Ignore!

in Hive Learners6 months ago

Do you only write for rewards, or are you also writing to pass a message across to your readers, expecting feedback? This is one thing every content creator should ask himself or herself before hitting the Create Post option. Now, what do you want to achieve after thinking of a topic and deciding to express your thoughts 💭, feelings, and experiences into writing? Rewards only,? Or rewards and feedback?

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What's your aim after expressing your thoughts on your post? . Imagine taking your precious three hours, one hour or two hours,as the case may be, to write a post expecting people's feedback and not getting any. How do you feel? If you are the type that doesn't write ✍️ only for rewards, I believe you will feel demoralized that no-one engaged with your post you spent hours creating. Well, I don't know about you, but as for me, I love getting feedback on whatever post I published, even though the reward is motivation as well; feedback matters, and, I feel more fulfilled knowing that someone got value by visiting my blog. This is also another reason why you should go through your post again and again prior to hitting the publish button option to know if your content has value to add on people's lives if you aim not just creating content expecting rewards only.

Having said that, I think replying to comments is one aspect of engagement many of us ignore. Imagine when our readers take their precious time to go through our post, leaving well-thought-out comments, and we fail to reply. I am using "ours" here before I am talking to myself as well. I wouldn't deny that I have never missed replying to a comment on my blogs, as much as I strive not to. It happens when I get overwhelming notifications at a go, probably if I wasn't online for hours. But in order not to allow such frequently, what I do is take my time and revisit my blogs and the engagement on them, and if I see anyone I omitted, I reply immediately, apologizing to the user for the late response.

I think it doesn't speak well of us to keep publishing content day after day without replying to comments from 7 to 3 days ago on our blogs. For someone to visit your blog with feedback, it's very important that you create time to reply and show your readers your appreciation for their time spent engaging with you. Intentionally, do not abandon any comment on your blogs unless it happened as an oversight, and of course it could because we are only humans and not robots.

There are some users in hive that I have stopped engaging with because they never replied to my comments. It has happened several times, and I concluded that it wasn't an oversight, so I shift my attention to users who will appreciate my precious time by replying to my comments. This aspect of engagement is also vital for one's growth in the blockchain.

I used to think that Hivebuzz was a bot until I replied to his feedback on my post one day after I spent more than one year in Hive. I was surprised and even noticed that the young dude cherished the thank-you for the update reply I gave him, and he didn't hesitate to reply back in excitement. This can also be a little way to appreciate people's time on your blog. A little gesture matters. I am not saying you must reply to Hivebuzz; I am just citing an example, and of course, you can't be like me.

Finally, my dear readers, replying to comments on your blogs shouldn't be a choice; it's a necessity. You can choose to pause publishing for an hour and trace back your blogs, replying to those comments that have stayed days without an appreciation.

It's just a random thought I felt I should share with us. Do have a blessed and #beautifulSunday.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 6 months ago (edited) 

The truth is personally I consider the act of not replying to comments as rudeness because I'm the type of person that takes time to read a post especially if I'm interested in the topic. After going through the post I always feel the need to share my opinion about the topic or probably areas the author didn't talk about or sometimes I usually highlight lapses the author might take note of while writing next time.

I consider comment to be a form of encouragement to appreciate the works of content generators, I'm not saying I'm doing authors a favour by replying to their post but I feel the comment section is there for a reason. It serves as a place for authors and readers to deliberate and discuss if needed.

As a person who is knowledgeable in the areas of communication, believe me when I say a post has not fulfilled it's purpose until the author gets feedbacks from the readers and in return the author share their thoughts and appreciation for the comments received.

Like you said, the reason why some authors neglect or ignore comments on their post is because they are only focused on rewards or posting regularly to the extent that they don't find it important to reply to their comments.

There are some authors I come across their post on dreemport and I don't even bother to comment on their post due to their attitude towards comments

As a way of encouraging readers engagement through comments I find myself upvoting credible comments than post most times, just to add more importance on the necessity and the need for readers to engage with authors through comments.

Thanks for sharing, hopefully this will serve has an eye opener or a wake up call for authors to do the needful.

Pop in from #dreemport

 6 months ago  

Wow, if there's an option to reblog a comment, then I should reblog this one.

believe me when I say a post has not fulfilled it's purpose until the author gets feedbacks from the readers and in return the author share their thoughts and appreciation for the comments received.

I totally agree with you and thanks for opening my eyes the more from this insight.

Many authors have different approaches to engagement but no matter our reputation, it remains valid and Vital to appreciate people's time on your blogs by replying to your thoughts on what you wrote.

Thank you very much for this thoughtful comment
I really appreciate your visit in my blogs always ❤️

 6 months ago  

I'm glad that my contribution to your amazing write up was insightful to you queen. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog 🤗🤗

 6 months ago  

Your comments are the testimony to your verdict. Reading your comments I often wish I had more hp for giving you the reward.

As an author I also consider comment section to be of immense importance. It is there where I get a chance to expand my vision and think of what I couldn’t contemplate initially.

Congratulations 🥳

@emrysjobber Your comment nominated by @nkemakonam89 has been selected as the Dreemport’s Comment of the Day.


Both of you have been awarded with 50 Dreem Tokens.


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 6 months ago  

@amberkashif Emrysjobber is simply amazing. I always look forward to his comments on my blogs because he has a way of opening my eyes more to the topic. Most times, I feel like editing my post after reading his comments. I am glad to know that my nomination was approved. Thanks so much and thanks a bunch @emrysjobber for always being amazing 🤗🫂

 6 months ago  

There is no doubt that emrys is a gem

 6 months ago  

Uhn uhn, getting praises from the queen herself, it is definitely the greatest honour have received so far. Thanks for publishing amazing content and it is always a pleasure to visit your blog.

 6 months ago  

I appreciate the nomination @nkemakonam89, I appreciate the rewards and encouragement @amberkashif

 6 months ago  


 6 months ago  

Wait! My amiable ambassador did you just refer to my darling hivebuzz as a young dude? Lol, well I don't think he's young at all, hehe.

Well, that's me trying to get this conversation started 😝.

You know, it was as if you took everything inside my mind and wrote about it. Especially the aspect of some users not replying to the comments on their blogs, not once not twice, I will just leave you alone simple.

There are so many people out there that I need to engage with after all so I don't have a single time to waste on someone who doesn't value my effort of reading especially very long contents, lol.

You've spoken like the ambassador that I know and big thanks to #dreemport for bringing me here 🥰

 6 months ago  

Hahaha 😂😂🤣... you were just causing violence up there but we move...lolz 😂

Yea, pressing your ignore button is the way to go for authors who doesn't value comments on their posts

I am glad I spoke your mind in this post
I really appreciate your warm visit
Thanks so much ❤️❤️🥰

 6 months ago  

No oo, it's vawulence 🤧

That's just it, nobody should expect someone to be coming to their post Everytime even when they get ignored.

It's always a pleasure to be here my amiable ambassador, keep up the good work 😊

 6 months ago  

The pleasure is mine 😇✅👍

 6 months ago  


 6 months ago  

There's one person that doesn't reply to my reply on his posts. I noticed that it was just me, and it bothered me. What have decided to do is to let him be. That's just the thing about ignoring replies; people wouldn't want to come back. Replying really late is something similar as well, and I know I am guilty of that sometimes. We should all do better. Thanks for this gem, Nkem.

 6 months ago  

I noticed that it was just me, and it bothered me.

Oops, that looks like an intentional act and it's good that you let him be.
Yea, people may not want to come back if you keep ignoring their engagement on your post

The issue of late reply is common..I just found one now in one of my old post and attended to it. The main thing is just to remind us on the need to appreciate people's time on our blogs, better late than never

For those who have difficulty keeping up with the replies, the ENGAGE app for Hive might be able to help. 🙂


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@thekittygirl, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @nkemakonam89 and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/30 calls)

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 6 months ago  

Oh, thanks so much @thekittygirl for this app. I have been seeing some people use it but didn't know how.
This indeed, should help

 6 months ago  

Thanks a bunch for this

 6 months ago (edited) 

I was shocked the day Hivebuzz replied me back after appreciating his encouragement on my post, I also thought Hivebuzz is a bot on Hive. This is something he will be doing on every post and still would reply back. Replying comments on our posts is important and this is one way not to lose your followers and even earn you more on your account.

Even there are times I missed replying comments of over 4-7 days, I do scroll through my previous posts to see if I ever missed any comment and once I find out, I quickly apologise for the late reply on every comment on my posts.
It's important we don't overlook those replies and also to appreciate their time visiting our blogs.

WOW 😲. I never replied hivebuzz. I thought that it is not necessary.

 6 months ago  

It is your choice to not reply him, what I do is I reply sometimes and I don't at times.

Whatever works for you

))) Me not bot! Me cyborg!


 6 months ago  

Hehehehe, so I wasn't alone on this thought about hivebuzz 😃
As humans, it's natural to miss doing the needful but it becomes a concern when it happens more often. To encourage your readers, replying their comments is vital and even curating the comment if you have a spare vp

 6 months ago  

This is a thoughtful post. A lot of us are guilty of this including me. Sometimes I get so busy and will forget to go back to my posts to reply those who commented on my post.

Thank you for putting this out here.

 6 months ago  

Yes, most of us are guilty of it and I feel I should draw our attention to this aspect of engagement on hive. Feedback matters as well as replies

 6 months ago  

You've said it all momma, if I should say anything more, it would be a repetition.

Recently, I've been missing comments from my notification so I always go through my posts to find them when I'm less busy, it works that way too.

I've seen and enjoyed what it gives to reply others comments on your posts, I advise others to do same.

 6 months ago  

That's the way to go... and I can attest that you do reply your comments always and so fast like a bot. Keep setting standards for people to emulate
You are doing well 😇

 6 months ago  

Hehe thank you momma

I thought hivebuzz is a bot too. Thank you for clarifying that.

This week I am planning to up my engagement game. I hope to make new friends through this.

Let me see how it will go. Thank you for the remainder.

 6 months ago  

Glad I could clarify you on this. Stepping up your engagement sounds good. All the best with your plans

Thank you ma'am.

 6 months ago  

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( nkemakonam89 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 185 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

 6 months ago  

The engagement is indeed is important. I try my best to resply to everyone who take time out to leave me a comment. It is a sign of appreciation. I love the interaction.

 6 months ago  

And the appreciation encourage your readers to keep engaging. It's good that you always take out time to interact with your engagers 😇

 6 months ago  

Absolutely!! Thank you @nkemakonam89

Totally. I think it's just plain rude if people are kind enough to upvite and comment on your post and no effort is made to reply. Sometimes I miss a notification or two but, aside from the reward benefits, its just good manners to engage and thank people who have spent time reading your content. ❤️❤️❤️

 6 months ago  

Exactly... even if it's not immediately, it's nice that we create time to appreciate those who engaged on our article.
Glad you can relate to my point here

 6 months ago  

I used to ignore this sometime ago but someone called my attention to it and now, the only reason why I won’t respond to a comment is when we are done talking and there is nothing more to say

 6 months ago  

Yea..when there's nothing more to say, there's no need initiative more comments. Just reply to the main comment and you have done well 😇

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 6 months ago  

Thanks for the update buzzy 👍

You're welcome @nkemakonam89! Keep up the great work and continue sharing your thoughts with the community. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask. Happy posting!

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
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Thank you for sharing this insight with us. I will do well to imbibe it

 6 months ago  

Glad you find it nice
Thanks for reading

 6 months ago  

I must say I am guilty of some things listed here but I promise to do better next year or should I say now lol, I won’t be saying much cox I feel guilty enough lol, thanks for this awesome post my dear…

 6 months ago  

Hahaha 😂😂🤣
The guilty fox
Dobetter now
Don't wait till next year.. haha 😂

Replies to comments on your post is a must, and I must admit I get lax at times!

 6 months ago  

Indeed, it's a must..most people forget sometimes, this this reminder

 6 months ago  

It is true that the engagement is significant. I make an effort to respond to each and every person who takes the time to leave me a remark. It's an expression of gratitude. I adore the conversation.

 6 months ago  

That's great to know. That gratitude matters. You are doing well 👍

Replying to comments is highly impossible, it's a way of connecting more with other authors and showing appreciation for the time spend on our blogs. I try not to miss that.

Thanks for sharing.


 6 months ago  

Indeed..I also find it very important, so let's keep up with the good work

Sure sis.

Have a wonderful day.

 6 months ago