Guiding Children Through Life's Shifts: A Parent's Perspective

in Hive Learnerslast month

Today's topic is a bit dicey, but I will do well to share my viewpoint on it. The duties of parents include providing love, support, and guidance to the children and also instilling good morals and values that will help them develop in a more responsible way. Sometimes, children will grow up and decide to switch to another lifestyle they feel is suitable for them other than how they were being raised. This change could be positive as much as it could be negative. My responsibility as a parent is to guide my child down the right path. However,I will oppose any negative change and, of course, embrace positive changes and support them. The truth is that emotions supersede logic when it comes to personal matters.


One common thing about parents is that we usually have this expectation that our children will remain in our lifestyle as we continue to put in effort in our parenting journey. This is why it's always difficult for parents to adjust to any change they see their child exhibiting in the future, forgetting that change is constant, but then we can only remain hopeful for positive changes.
Having said that, I think it's good to allow the children to explore life and discover things themselves as they continue to grow into adulthood. It shouldn't always be what we want for them as their parents; otherwise, the parent-child relationship may be affected. What I mean by this is that children should be given some freedom to make their choices under guidance anyway, not you as a parent insisting that they follow your choice. Every child deserves his or her own respect. You can't always subdue a child; otherwise,he will do things at your back without your knowledge.


Every child is unique with different interests, choices, desires, dreams, career, passion, etc., and it's important to give your child the opportunity to explore and pursue what he wants. However, there are certain decisions or choices that might be detrimental to them, and that's where parental guidance should come in. Like I mentioned earlier, I will oppose negative changes or choices.

So, if my children were to grow up tomorrow and decide to switch to a different way of life from the one I brought them up in, sincerely, I would feel disappointed depending on the kind of lifestyle they switched to. I wouldn't be too quick to react but would try to approach the matter politely and with maturity. Heart-to-heart conversation will be employed so I can understand things from their perspective and critically analyze them. Sometimes, the change or their decision might be for the better; if I am okay with their choice, why not? I will support them; otherwise, I will object and make them see reasons from my viewpoint. That being said, I wouldn't control them, harshly follow the matter up, or judge their decisions; it's sensitive and best handled calmly to avoid losing my child to outsiders. I will talk sense into them and help them change their negative choices and decisions without judging their actions.


I won't support a change of religion (it will definitely build a bridge between me and my child). I will oppose any negative change, be it cultural or social.

Change is constant... I will embrace positive change in my child and open my arms to their interests.

One thing I wouldn't fail to always do is pray for them to make the right choices in life and live responsibly, because I definitely can't control everything about them, but I will always play my role as a parent, which is to guide my child to the right path.

This is my response to the #hivelearners community contest on the topic titled, A Changed Child

Thanks for reading through ♥️♥️♥️

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 last month  

Parenting is not so easy anyway. We have to bear a lot of things. We have to survive for our kids. Their small mistakes sometimes hurt us a lot. I agreed, freedom should be given to our kids if they do right we must support them if they do wrong then we can guide them with our experience. Any forceful objection can intoxicate their life, so we should be careful.

 last month  

Forceful objection is a no no, otherwise it will end on a bad note
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 last month  

Thanks for the curation 👍


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 last month  

The religion change is also a no no for me, but these days, even Christianity have different segments, that it becomes hard to be rational without emotions about a child's decision, and this is from the experience of a cousin, just imagine from Redeem church to a church that considers their pastor as Jesus Reincarnate.

 last month  

I saw your post and was like "now let's hear from an African mother"😂😂.

I noticed that many parent do not want their grown up children to change at all from who they use to be, which is impossible. Parent should have it at the back of their mind that children will evolve, they would see life from a new or different len as they grow older.

Heart-to-heart conversation will be employed so I can understand things from their perspective and critically analyze them.

This is perfect, trying to make you understand why they chose that path or make that decision. This would give no room for rebellion, the worst resolt of children who wants freedom.

Consistent prayer, patience and more love can perform a miracle.

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 last month  

Those changes should be expected because it will eventually come. But what parent should do to breed responsible children from the cradle.
Pray for them too that they don't walk out of the tenets they have been brought up.

 last month  

Indeed, seems to be a working solution to this shit of lifestyle issue, and yes, change is always expected. I hope we have an open mind to embrace this change

 last month  

Only the good ones should be embraced. The wrong ones should be frowned at.b

 last month  

In this life challenges come and go and being a father is not always easy, I have seen a time come when children make their own choices and then we have to accept the law of life and the path we are taking

 last month  

Yea, fatherhood role is never easy. Sometimes you can experience varied choices to deal with among the kids. Overall it requires grace and wisdom

 last month  

I love the heart-to-heart kind of discussion with the children. There are some changes that can be condone while others can't. Praying for them is key. There is competition between the good and the evil of this world, each competing to recruit disciples. May God help us.

 last month  

I love your feedback personally, wow
There's indeed competition between good and evil and you know what? Parents can play a sensitive role to help them overcome it
Thanks for visiting, light

 last month  

Parenting is a huge task that entails wisdom or else one will lose such a child to outsiders. Correction is not done by enforcing personal will on a child but through an expression of love and patience.

 last month  

I love the sound of love and patience.. really nice attribute to adopt in the journey of parenting

 last month  

I love the aspect where you stated"Heart-to-heart conversation will be employed so I can understand things from their perspective and critically analyze them."
They is exactly what most of the so called Gen Z generation needs more.

Not forcing them to do things.
That's a no no for me to be very sincere, it's not something that should be done.

Thank you for sharing out this amazing content mama

 28 days ago  

When you force them, you wouldn't like the outcome. The best is to have a calm dialogue for the best result
Thanks for reading

 29 days ago  

Many changes are indeed hard to accept for parents and it's natural but parents need to be flexible for positive change. The bad thing is that most of the parents resist it most of the time but it's not effective because no one can stop it and no one can control their child all the time as they will be capable of making their own decision one day.
Changing religion is a sensitive issue and I also won't allow it because it will destroy the peace of family doesn't matter what the religion is.

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 28 days ago  

The thing is that, parents should have an open mind to both positive and negative changes so they when we start seeing some of these changes, it wouldn't be as a shock but help us approach the matter rightly without tension
Controlling an adult is quite difficult.. hopefully, my children wouldn't think of a change in religion
Haha 😂😆

Parenting is hard work. For the fact that children have a mind of their own.

They should be allowed to explore things on their own and I believe, they should learn from their mistakes, too.

I enjoyed reading this.


Parenting is not an easy task, I give kudos to all the parents out there, y'all are doing a great job.

It hurts when our child deviates from what they're been taught from infancy especially if they go astray, but then they have their life to live all we need do is to pray for them and show them the right path.

Popped in from Dreemport, always a #dreemerforlife

 26 days ago  

That's right...pray for them, and rightly guide them
Thanks for your warm visit

It's a pleasure.

Parenting is tasking, and calls for a lot of wisdom and prayers. I believe that heart-to-heart conversation is the best approach instead of forceful confrontation. Changes is constant and as parents we keep hoping for positive change in the lives of our children.

 26 days ago  

That is it my dear
We should do our part and pray for them as well
Thanks for visiting

I love how honest you are on the topic, knowing fully well that we your child and no matter how you wish to support them, you do have an obligation to bring them up in a way that is right. There are things that I would support but other things I'll keep a firm hand against. Religion is one of those things.
