Here's a story...

in Hive Learnerslast month

Hey guys, I'm feeling a little bit motivational today, so I'll be telling us a story about something that happened earlier today after the boys and I had gone to play some football match today in school. We had planned this match with some other hostel down my street and although we had lost the match to them, it was clearly due to the referee being bias because he was also an occupant of the hostel we were playing against, but that isn't the reason of today's post.

Photo by Yoann Boyer

You see, on our way back home from the football field, we were all tired and thirsty and luckily for us, one of us had some little amount of money on him to get water for us, water that wasn't enough but manageable. We had all attacked that water like people who had spent days in the desert with nothing to drink. But few minutes after we got home the situation changed.

Over here in my country, we have this tradition where if someone is celebrating their birthday people get water and pour it on them. I have no idea where this tradition was originated from or what's it means but a lot of people engage in it. So just as we got home, we had met some of our neighbours at the hostel pouring water on a particular lady whose birthday was today and then all of a sudden, we that were dying of thirst some few minutes ago were now surrounded with more than enough water, not only to drink but to play with.

Immediately, I had happily looked at the guy standing right next to me and smiled because I could tell how exhausted he was feeling, also coupled with the fact that some few minutes ago, we all were just about to die from taste. Anyways, I got to learn a lesson from the whole situation, which is that just because you don't have today, doesn't mean tomorrow is going to be the same because anyone's story can change within a minute, all you just have to do is make sure you're walking down the right path.

I feel like if a lot of people live life with this mentality in mind, then maybe, just maybe they'd be able to have hope when faced with certain situations in life and not just want to give up and quit the first chance they get, because a man with hope will want to keep on fighting.


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 29 days ago  

Like, i dont even know from where that birthday thing started. Once, my classmates in high school almost did that thing with me. I noticed their abnormal movements, it was drizzling, and before they could do their thing, I went in the rain.

I learned from the lesson you shared, though. The very next minute can be "the one."

 26 days ago  

It's a very risky thing to do, hitting someone with sachets of water. I heard someone once passed out from it because they were hit on their chest.