I don't tell lies

in Hive Learners13 days ago (edited)

As a kid, my dad would always tell I and my siblings that he could forgive almost any crime except for lying. Of course he was lying because there had been times where he whooped my ass even after telling him the whole truth, and then there were times where he did let me go (even though it wasn't completely what he wanted to do) just to prove to us that he indeed wouldn't punish us when we tell the truth.

Now that I think about it, that was probably where my trust issues started from, but then again that would be a lie seeing how I was raised in the era of "come, I won't beat you" a lie most parents tell to their kids before giving them a beating of a lifetime. Funny enough, today's blog is titled "I don't tell lies" and yet, all I've written until now is about people lying. Lol.

Photo by Toa Heftiba

Anyways, my inspiration for today's topic was a conversation I had with someone earlier today. Somewhere in between the conversation, I had been called a liar by this person, something I didn't take nicely considering how I've lived my life up till this day, making sure I tell as little to no lies as possible.

Experience has taught me that unless you're one who likes to impress people, which sometimes makes you lie about certain things because you want to continue keeping those people impressed, the concept of lying won't really mean much to you.

Like I've said countless times before and like I said to this person, I only lie to people I'm scared of, people who I know that their reaction to the truth would affect me in one way or the other, and thankfully for me, I don't get to see those kinds of people everyday because they're mostly my family or someone who I'm in some sort of a relationship with. In extreme cases, then maybe a judge in a court of law or a police officer or thieves who are about to rob me... You get the idea.

Now unless you fall under any of those categories, I really do not care enough to want to take the time to carefully think of a lie to tell to you because that's what I do when I do decide to lie. I don't just say something dumb and get caught, it takes some real mental task for me to come up with something clever and then present it to you in a brilliant and believable way with some really good acting where you would never even guess that it was a lie.

Now tell me, why would I want to go through all of that stress just for you, when I know that I can tell you the truth and nothing is going to happen. So yeah, the next time I say that I don't tell lies, it doesn't necessarily mean that I don't lie, it just means that you're not important enough for me to want to do all that.

 12 days ago  

I think several times we lie and there are no people who can say that they didn't lie anytime or won't lie in the future. In my case, I don't need to life, and I can't remember when I lie for the last time but I can't guarantee that I won't lie because life may bring such kind of situation where I need to like or I choose to lie.

 11 days ago  

Exactly what I was trying to say. When I say I don't tell lies, I don't mean that I haven't and never will, all I'm saying is that currently, there's no reason for me to.

 12 days ago  

It is a fact that sin begins with a lie. When we start telling a lie, then within the next time we have to make many more lies to cover up one lie, so it is better. We should never lie. Parents who don't tell their children to lie at all are raising them well.

 11 days ago  

True.. I agree with you.