Should religion be taught in schools?

in Hive Learners14 days ago

Lately, I've found myself questioning a lot of things, things that were told to me as a child and forced to believe them without even given a chance to make my own decision, and as much as I hate to say it, one of those things is religion.

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao

As someone who grew up in the church, having this thoughts actually does feel like a sin to me, but then again, speaking from a place of common sense, I feel you and I can agree that it's not really advisable to ask someone to blindly believe in something without actually giving him a reason to. But you see, today I would rather focused on the topic and not get carried away because when it comes to the matters of religion, there's always plenty to talk about.

Should religion be taught in schools? Now this is a very important question because looking back at my time in high school, religion was indeed taught at my school but only one type of religion, Christianity. Mind you, this wasn't a Christian only school, it was a school that accepted all kinds of people, Muslims, Christians, even traditional worshippers. No one at the school really cared about what God the next man was serving, so why teach just about Christianity?

What happens to the other types of religion? Isn't that the school being biased?

I remember back then in high school, our teachers would give us assignments on Christianity and everyone had to answer it, even the Muslims, there were no exceptions, they even had to write exams on the topics. Back then, I didn't think much about it simply because I am a Christian studying about Christianity, so to me back then, everything was going the way it should but it was it?

Originally, one would think that if one religion was to be taught in school, it would be the traditional one, the one our forefathers used to worship before the white men came and preached their Christianity to us, the one we now call voodoo or black magic just because the white men called said so, that at least would have been a bit understandable, given that it was our religion many years ago and was not taught to us by strangers.

Unfortunately, that isn't the case over here and that is why I don't really think religion should be taught in schools, but if it must, it shouldn't be just one kind of religion, it shouldn't feel like we're forcing the students to do what we want but what they want. Students should be given options, the chance to choose what religious classes they would love to attend and the classes doesn't have to be a compulsory one, because not everyone believes in God.

And instead of trying to make the other religion look like the devil, religious teachers should focus on teaching these students about the religion and not make them become enemies with the next man just because he calls his God another name.