How I overcame being inferior to others.

in Hive Learners10 months ago


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The only time I can think of when I felt inferior was during my secondary school education. I had this friend named Cynthia who also had a friend called Linda. Both of them were from rich homes while I was just a child of parents who were also trying their best to give us a good education. We were not too rich and not too poor not to be able to feed on three square meals daily. But I felt different from them because I didn't see myself being on the same level as them. Cynthia was a very good friend who would always play with me and move closer to me but Linda, on the other hand knew her circle and doesn't enjoy sitting where I am. With this, I felt I wasn't belonging to her.


She would always treat Cynthia well and most times would just speak to me and that is only when she needed to ask me questions. I remembered having to get scared when she was talking to me because I didn't want to do things that would make her make a mockery of me. I tried my best to stay away from her. One day Cynthia told me to come join them as they were talking and gisting. I looked around and saw I shouldn't be part of them. These children were rich and it was obvious in the way they dress. I am a child whose parents never allowed my school uniform to be short but to go past my knees which I looked like a sister in the convent. They had their skirts reached above their knees because no one could question them.


I was too afraid to join them. I had low self-esteem and felt not belonging to them. It was a hard moment for me to face such a situation every single day at school. It made me question how I came to be born in such a situation and not from a rich family. It got to the extent of me wanting to switch parents if it were to be possible but thank God it wasn't. The truth is that Cynthia likes me more and wanted me to feel free among them but I just couldn't summon the courage to be around them. I don't know what happened one day, I noticed Linda started coming closer to me more. She started buying things for me every day and it made me wonder what has happened.

Things changed all of a sudden and I began to find myself among them gisting and laughing. Many times Linda would beg me to help copy her notes because it is what I do for students who were so lazy but were always giving me something even though it was little. One time like that, Linda followed me home, ate my food and played for a while before going home. I, Cynthia and Linda turned into best of friends that we started waiting for each other every morning so we could walk to school together and walk back home. I realized my low self-esteem varnished and I felt safe and not inferior again. Linda changed things about me. Perhaps Cynthia talked sense into her, I still don't know how today but I enjoyed our company before we got separated after our graduation ceremony.


An inferiority complex is something that could damage one's life. It brings you low and makes you feel indifferent to the other. It makes one loses his or her self-confidence and in turn, affects one's life. Sometimes this problem leads one in doing things they shouldn't be doing as it lures them into a bad influence just because they feel like belonging. In my case, I was able to control myself as I have been taught contentment. Even when the temptation to do things I wouldn't do came, I controlled myself because I have always believed one thing: we are not the same. Everyone is different and we happen to find ourselves where we cannot control but accept fate like that while working towards being the best.


I couldn't change the fact that I was born into the family I am but I was determined to work hard and give myself a better future. Today, I do not see myself being inferior anymore. No one can make me feel indifferent anymore because I know I can get some things if I work hard for them. Thank God for today and what I have achieved.

Thanks for your time on my blog.



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You are welcome @princessbusayo, that's with pleasure! We wish you a happy buzzy week 😊👍🐝

 10 months ago (edited) 

Some situations are just beyond us and we just have to admit who we are. Changing parents was impossible and you went for the right
option which was looking over your financial situation.

You are able to keep a good relationship with the two friends in the end.

Yes, it was the best thing I ever loved in the end. Thank you, George.

 10 months ago  

I have met people like Linda at different aspect of my life and I generally just avoid them. It's rare to see the ones that suddenly have a change of heart later on, I guess Linda low-key has a good heart, she just needed someone to talk some sense into her and get comfortable with having you around

Yes, Cynthia was able to get her while she changed her attitude towards me. We will always meet people like her but we can only try to ignore or look past whatever they have while working hard for ours. Thank you, Kushyzee

 10 months ago  

Inferiority complex truly springs forth from lack of contentment, if we learn to appreciate ourselves more, only then we would see our true worth and stop comparing ourselves.

You are right. Being contented supercedes all things and we would come to love ourselves for who we are. Thank you.

 10 months ago  

Such an interesting story, I am glad you were able to overcome your inferiority complex. With this story, I am just glad that Linda came to her senses. Honestly, it could have gotten worse if it continued that way. Let’s just thank God for the growth you have made and the people around you, all these things contribute greatly to the traits that we exhibit and the things we do, either consciously or unconsciously.

Yeah... I am grateful how things turned out in the end and now, I am more than grateful for the things I have now which won't even make me feel inferior to another fellow. I have learnt to love myself and also be contented. Thank you, Pearl.


Thank you for supporting 😇😊

 10 months ago  

Some people will always want to make you feel inferior with their actions, but I have always learn to turn the situation around by seeing the positive side of everything and I distance myself from such people.. But I can still go back to them if they realize their mistakes.

Inferiority complex will always now allow is to do things freely, but I'm glad that you're able to fight that feeling among your peers.

Exactly my dear. We just have to see every situation as positive and believing that things will fall into good shape for us too. We just need to be patient and contented too.

Powerful 🙋,you killed it. Feeling inferior is very intrinsic to low self esteem but there's something called comparanoia which is constantly comparing yourself with others and finding oneself lacking,now if I was able to understand the story you shared with us. When Linda started talking to you,there's this effort in you that will overcome the load which will give rise to an efficiency which means you will start seeing yourself alive from that moment you will enjoy freedom and freedom will actually give rise to focus and we all know once focus comes then growth will indicate its presence.

If you ask 20 people here they'll say there's one demon in my fathers house tormenting from prosperity meanwhile this is the demon controlling a lot of people. Thanks for sharing this @princessbusayo

 10 months ago  

An inferiority complex is something that could damage one's life. It brings you low and makes you feel indifferent to the other. It makes one loses his or her self-confidence and in turn, affects one's life

Wow you really open my eyes to a deeper revelation about what inferiority complex is. This can ruined one's life and make one feel indifferent but thank God you have overcome that.

 10 months ago  

It is a good thing that your friends later made you feel comfortable among them. You might as well just left them and create a circle of friends where you will feel comfortable.
Sometimes inferiority is a feeling but other times people show it to your face and treat you like one.

 10 months ago  

I think in the case of friendship family status doesn't matter and I believe it strongly and in my childhood time that kind of intention never came to my mind. In your case, you were able to come out from your inferiority feeling and it was a positive thing otherwise you might be lost 2 friends from your life.

 10 months ago  

the thing which you shared of your childhood is very common and many of us felt the same with our friends but if the friends are true ones then they never make you feel different or alien in the group. Good to see that both your friends did well and gelled up with you very nicely. Sometimes, we just do overthinking or assume something by ourselves which is not even true.