Homemade food and fast food advantages and disadvantages

in Hive Learnerslast month


Today another good topic for reflection, especially on our eating habits.
In the world we live in, where time passes quickly and there is not much time to waste, healthy eating habits have gradually been replaced by fast food.
In my opinion, homemade food is undoubtedly the best, the healthiest without a doubt, but many times when time doesn't allow it, I resort to fast food for myself and my children and wife, even though I know it's not a healthier diet.
I love cooking, I love going to the kitchen and preparing Chinese food, I have a huge taste for healthy eating and that's why I have a home garden from which I get most of the vegetables and legumes and even some fruits to eat here in House.
For me, it is a great pleasure to go to my garden at home and harvest the legumes, vegetables and fruits that resulted from my dedication to my garden.
I often say that when I cook products from my garden they seem to have a better flavor, they are really delicious.
Here I can list several positive points in favor of fast food and other positive points of homemade food.
We have the advantage of homemade food, we know what we are eating, since most of the time they are products that we plant in our garden, without fertilizers or other chemical products, and they are also products that take their normal time to grow without being used. products so that it is a rapid growth that will remove the flavor. The disadvantage of homemade food is that it takes longer to prepare and means that we have to cook it ourselves many of the times, and as I said previously the time Nowadays everyone is counted on even to eat.
In relation to fast food, it has the main advantage of being affordable food that is quickly ready to be consumed, without wasting time, and for me one of the biggest improvements is using frozen products most of the time and when preparing these products They often contain chemical supplements to give them flavor and in the case of meat, it is often the meat of animals that contain stimulants to make them grow faster.


As we can see nowadays we have to have a balance between what we eat and our lifestyle, eating fast food once or twice a month maybe, but whenever we can we should opt for homemade food.
Homemade food will improve our health and lead a healthier lifestyle, as everything we consume will be used to strengthen our body and biological defenses, and we must also pass on to our children the value of food. homemade food and create habits in them of using homemade food more as a healthy way of being in life.
At the end of the day it just depends on us and our life choice what we eat, as with many other things throughout our lives, we know what is right we just have to decide and make the best choice.

 last month  

Food is healthy, but home made food is and will always be the best.
We do stuff doesn't make them right, we eat fast food, doesn't make it right. You're even in a good stand, you have your farm behind your house, which is a lot of advantage.

I'm coming to stay over with your family. 😌😂

 29 days ago  

Yes, I love having my garden and harvesting from it to make my homemade food.

 29 days ago  

Interesting.... Expect me soon in your backyard

 last month  

I like how you write this article and gave everyone right to select between fast food or home made food. yes, it's everyone's choice to choose what they want to choose, food made at home has it's benefit, on the other side, food made at hotels has their advantages as well as disadvantages.

 last month  

Thank you for liking it, everything is a matter of choices, with their advantages and advantages.

 last month  

You are right, Nothing can be compare with home made food. It always has nice flavour and taste

 last month  

I love when I cook my vegetables from my garden the flavor is incredible

 last month  

Both fast food and homemade foods have their good and bad sides, though homemade food is the best but sometimes we can't help going for fast foods. I think I like the part where you said we should create balance between what we eat, consuming more of home made food and less of fast food.

I enjoyed the read, thanks for sharing with us

 last month  

Thank you for liking my post. Having a balance between fast food and homemade food is essential, like everything else in life.

 last month  

Greetings. I am also of the opinion that we need to be balanced, including when choosing whether to eat at home or away from home

 last month  

It's all about choices, finding balance is essential