My children’s freedom to choose their path in life

in Hive Learners11 days ago


Hello friends and community today is one of the themes of my post that I love because it leads us to a deep reflection on our lives and the path that lies ahead, first as children and then as parents.
I believe that we all have a path to follow in life. I don't know if there is a defined destiny or if we are masters of our own destiny, but I know that on this great path that is life, we go through many phases, good and bad, but all these phases help us grow and move forward.
I still remember when I was a child the values that my parents instilled in me and that to this day I follow the same values that are taught to me and that help me every day, every moment, to always try to be a better person.
From a very early age we are inculcated on a path in my case by religion, almost as soon as we open our eyes in my religion we are already being baptized without being able to transmit our will or what we really want from a very young age and, therefore, I still have no choice.
Friendships are often formed in vain as we grow older and our life's journey takes shape.
As a father, I never chose my children's friendships, I always let them create these bonds.
My children are paving the way, my wife and I are here to transmit to them only the values that should guide them in life, such as friendship, mutual help, love, being serious and respectful people, respecting the differences between everyone, among so many other teachings, but only they grow and acquire these values or this lifestyle depending on the path they choose.
That's why I only transmit values if they want to change their religion, their friendships, something that I will respect, I will only stay by their side as a counselor if they need it, but I let them follow the path of their own freedom.


I always told my children that life is a long path that has to be covered, on this path there are many intersections, many traps, we often have to go back on our path and choose the right path again, all of this makes us grow, I will be always your shoulder, the hand that will help you get up when you fall, because despite following your own path, the love that exists between parents and children will last forever, whatever your choice.

The journey of life is a path that we have to follow, accepting changes as something that makes us grow. Accepting the changes in our children's path allows us to see them grow on this journey that is life and walk alongside them no matter what, the choice is yours, respecting it exactly as it was when we chose it, this choice is called freedom, a word that has so much meaning in our lives.

 10 days ago  

We can't control children all the time and as an individual can have different choices and it's very natural. But we can transmit the value which can help them in life as you said. I agree with you in this case.

 11 days ago  

The transmission of values ​​and the right to choose is something that certainly makes a big difference at this age, as it makes the child aware of their attitudes and company.