Sometimes Kids Are More Level- headed than Older People

in Hive Learners26 days ago (edited)

Original Image Source: Max Fischer- Pexels

Kids! At one point, that is what we are. Innocent, pure and full of energy with so much curiosity that mostly resulted for them to make mistakes and caught into trouble that is why as an adult, it is our responsibility to guide and take care for them until they reach the age where they can make sound decisions and stand on their own. But at times, we can see actions from this kids that have made us impressed and show us a glimmer of their intelligence despite their young age just like how my friend's younger brothers behaved in this story that I'm gonna share in this post.

I'm not particularly found of children so I won't interact with them as much but around 12 years ago, I have been taken a liking with my friend's two younger brothers which are at the age of 3 and 4 around that time. My friend who was in his 20's that time was the second eldest among the 7 siblings and just like me, was still studying for college but we often hangout together specially to play games on internet café so I frequently visit their home to invite him to play and as I do, his two younger brothers would often come to me asking me to either play with them or carry them in my back and would often cry if I did not do it unless their mom would com and take them. Looking back, those actions might be a part of their scheme that they would use tears in order to make me feel bad so I will do what they want and is quite a smart move for their age but maybe I am just overthinking about it. Anyways, they mostly act like how a normal kid of that age would be every time that I saw them with the exception of one event.

I don't remember exactly what day it is but it was just like any regular day when I go to my friend's house to ask him to play at the internet café but as I arrived there, a news arrived that my friend's father have been caught at a traffic accident and was sent to the hospital unconscious. This makes the family anxious and cannot think straight. My friend comes with an argument with the eldest and the 3rd son of who would accompany their mother to the hospital and who will be left in the house to take of their siblings while the middle sibling who was the only girl was left crying on the side (the third youngest sibling was at school at that time and was unaware of the situation).

However, while this things are happening, my friends 2 youngest brothers have doing other things in the sideline. They took a hold of their moms phone while she was preparing to go then they play a music from a political campaign ad and sing together. At first, I ask myself where do they get that song and what are this two doing given the situation but apparently, this is what allows everyone in the house to calm down. Eventually, it was agreed that the eldest son would accompany the mother on the hospital while the other second and third eldest would take care of their siblings. Also the middle sibling stopped crying too when the kids ask her to sing with them.

The next day, my friend's mom and brother arrived home together with their father. Although he lost consciousness, he only suffered minor wounds and bruises so he was allowed to go home although he would need to undergo some test later. I was not present when they arrive but by what my friend told me later, after seeing their father, the kids finally let a loud cry which they do not the entire time that their father was on the hospital.

In summary, despite their young age, the children are very much aware of the situation given how they react when they finally saw their father and while that was the case, they were more level- headed and calm than any of their older siblings and seeing that their siblings were on a mess, they find a means to distract and calm them through singing that campaign song which might also be intentional too to caught their family's attention so if this is not them showing their sheer intelligence, then I do not know what it is. Now, they are already teenagers and by what I heard, they were doing great with their studies but their past actions as a kid really leave me nothing but impressed.

Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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 26 days ago  

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