A Fulfilling Day

in Hive Learners8 months ago

I haven't been to church for three weeks for totally different reasons. At one point, there was no reason at all because I didn't just want to go to church (which should classify as a reason). At other times, things came up which influenced my decision and I didn't just go but yesterday, I made up my mind to attend mass. In fact, my mind was already made from the beginning of the week and as it was, nothing was going to stop me from attending mass on Sunday.

Yesterday, being Sunday was a really great day coupled with the fact that I was able to attend mass and actively participate in the Eucharistic celebration.

I woke up quite early by 05:30am in order to have enough time to prepare and warm all of the cooked food in the pots without having to rush through anything. I really dislike rushing to prepare for an occasion especially when I can easily just wake up early to prepare for it. I also don't like to go to church late because for me it just doesn't make sense to me when I can always go early.

One of my roommates was also awake and she asked if I'd go for first mass which was scheduled for 07:00am and after a thought, I consented to attend the first mass because I thought there was going to be enough time to prepare and trek to the outstation without getting there late. I decided to go about preparing in order to kill time.

After warming all the food, I put water in a kettle to boil because it was really chilly at that time and I needed the water to be very hot. While the water was heating up, I brushed my teeth and prepared my bathing kit. The water boiled hot and I went into the bathroom to take my bath though I had to hurry a little because of the chilly air which gave me goosebumps even after bathing.

Soon after, I got began to dress up but when I checked the time, it was already well past 06:00am and I was just getting dressed, by the time I was done dressing and waiting for my roommate to get ready we were going to be late for the first mass and I really didn't want that so I decided to go for the second mass scheduled for 09:00am at the parish instead.

My roommate was surprised that I decided to go to the parish instead and though I tried to convince her to go with me she decided to attend the first mass which was fine by me. I had enough time to eat some breakfast and take my time to prepare.

Soon it was time to leave and I got a shuttle quite easily that'd would take me to the church and I got to the church few minutes before first mass ended. Second mass began in earnest and everything went smoothly to the glory of God.

Josh Applegate From Unsplash

The homily centered on the kingdom of heaven and several parables that told us about the kingdom of God and what it could be likened to. Today, God was likened to a King and His Kingdom was likened to a wedding feast to which invitations were sent out to a chosen set of people who declined the invitation then the King went ahead to invite total strangers and everyone else on the street who then attended the wedding feast.

The Priest advised the congregation to aim for the Kingdom of God without carrying extra luggage which is sin in order to enjoy eternal life with the Heavenly Father in his kingdom.

It was a wonderful celebration though electricity was interrupted during mass and the mass had to go on which didn't affect the flow of the mass in any way. Church announcements were made at the end of it all then the Priest blessed and dismissed us and I went back to the hostel with a light heart.

I'm really glad I went to church.

 8 months ago (edited) 

I love your policy on not attending church late, really it doesn't make sense. And for you to cancel the first mass you prepared already due to the delay from your roommate, it shows that you mean bussinnes with your policy.. and it's great

I hope you start attending mass regularly my dear... you will love it

Sounds like a great day you had🥰😇


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 8 months ago (edited) 

I really don't understand how people choose to go late to church especially when they can easily go early.
I'll make sure to attend mass often. 😇
Thank you for visiting.

 8 months ago  

What's the point in going for the first mass late when there is another mass you can catch up with early and at your convince? I am happy you made up you mind to go to church, no wonder rain almost fell yesterday 😁😁.. in all our endeavors , we should try as much as possible never to put the things of God aside

 8 months ago (edited) 

LOL! 🤭
I'm sure it was showers of blessing.
I'm going to put more effort in church activities.
Thank you for visiting.

 8 months ago  

You are always welcome ma😁😁

 8 months ago  

Many times we forget how comforting it can be to go to church, I really like it when the priest explains those parables to us. It is necessary to make an effort to attend mass more constantly, (I include myself). Best regards

 8 months ago  

It's necessary to attend and I feel guilty each time I don't attend. 😑
Thank you so much for visiting.