Some Time Away From My Smartphone

in Hive Learners8 months ago

A long time ago I didn't know what it was like to have my own smartphone and though I always yearned for the day I'd finally get mine, it never really bothered me and I went about my duties and my concerns.

I got my first smartphone after my highschool education and it was as if all my life, I had been waiting for the gadget to be handed into me. I felt like I was on top of the world and I was super grateful to my brother for fulfilling his promise to me and giving me a smartphone.

I really had a great time with my first phone and I made a lot of memories with it, lots of fond memories. Until the phone met it's unexpected end which I never bargained for and it all began with a little fall which later escalated to something greater than what I expected so much that the cost of repairing it was enough to get me a new one.

I was devastated because I knew that I wasn't going to be getting a new phone anytime soon and it made me so sad to be cut away from all of my friends and I wouldn't be able to watch movies again and I wondered how life was going to be for me. Life seemed pretty bleak without my phone at that moment.

My suspicions came true and I was without a phone for six months. After I said goodbye to my phone, I was enrolled in a tutorial that'd help to prepare me for the upcoming JAMB examination and I think that was what brought me out of the dark room I was in ever since my phone got bad. My mother refused to get me a new phone and her reason was that so I would focus more on my examination and even though I argued that having a phone would not affect my performance, she stood her ground and I had no choice.

It was difficult at first because I had to battle with boredom but as time went on and I got more engrossed in my studies and made new friends I was able to battle boredom away and focus more on the task at hand. I have to admit that the time I spent away from my phone helped me grow up more than I would have if I had gotten a phone immediately, it helped to strengthen my relationship with my mother and it also helped me build new and healthy relationships with the people I met at the tutorial.

Plus, I had an excellent result at the end of it all.

Toni Reed From Unsplash

After the experience that I have had in the past, having to be without my phone for a long period of time won't really disturb me that much unless I really have something extremely important to do with the phone. At this point, the things that can keep me away from my phone is if there's a severe power outage in the area or if my phone gets bad again and I am would not be able to fix it immediately or if I decide to take a break.

There is always something to keep me occupied apart from my phone so much that I wouldn't feel the loss the way I felt it when my first smartphone got bad beyond repair.

One of the easiest ways for me to get on with my life if I had to be without my phone for a while would definitely be with books and other interesting physical activities that I'd engage myself with until it's all over.


I guess you have a personal PC now, or a job that keeps you busy or occupied just in case if your phone isn't there.

 8 months ago  

Exactly. I have things to keep me occupied when my phone is not with me.
Thank you for your feedback.

 8 months ago  

The advantage of not depending on the Smart Phone is that you had contact with people and even got closer to your mother. It is a very useful device, but you have to be careful with addictions. Greetings.

 8 months ago  

I eventually realized that I actually prefer physical interactions to online interactions.

 8 months ago  

Being without our phones sucks, I can't imagine what you went through being without your phone for that long period of time.

Well, When we stay for a long time from something, the bond between us breaks, but if we return to it, the bond will be built again, and it might even be stronger.

To stay away from phones requires discipline, if we train our minds to it, it won't be something difficult

 8 months ago  

Everything in life requires discipline and being without a phone for that long helped me to build the discipline.

 8 months ago  

That's very beautiful, I love that ma

I can't relate with This that time when my phone spoiled I battle with boredom .
Staying away from what will have relationship with is not easy at all

 8 months ago  

It's actually not easy, but it is possible.

Thank you for your feedback.

you are welcome

 8 months ago (edited) 

Smartphones are a distraction for students even though they think that it will help them study better. The distraction on smartphones is much and it would take more than just ordinary discipline for a student to concentrate despite having a smartphone.

Glad you overcame the boredom and survived without it, thanks for sharing your story with us.

 8 months ago  

Smartphones only help to distract one more than it helps one to study. I'm glad I was made to study first before I got a new phone.

Thank you so much for reading.

These days, we have rock solid relationship with technology than we have with people close to us. It usually makes me miss the good old days when mobile phones were yet to exist. Then, life was interest and fun. Though for me, I am usually not always on my phone, because I have many activities that keeps me away from my phone easily without realizing it. Like work, books, gym, so when I am on my phone, it usually important. Glad you were able to find other activities to occupy yourself.

!discovery 38

 8 months ago  

Smartphones are somewhat restricting that's why it's important to have lots of physical interactions with people rather than those online.

Thank you so much for your feedback.

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